Uncommon sense about ‘taxation’
- Taxation is theft is slavery
- The average American worker
- The Rule of Law
- We are taxed on everything
- The most oppressive taxation
- Power always corrupts
- Will power
- Hidden taxation
- Taxation without representation
- No checks on prosperity
- One sin of socialism
- Taxation equals slavery
- Government does not create wealth
- Bi-partisan theft
- Legal plunder
- Liberty is keeping what you have earned
- A time for choosing
- Taxation = theft
- Don’t engage in ‘legal’ plunder
- Our tax system
- The burden of government
- The single biggest intrusion
- The first task of government
- Subsidies
- Servitude
- Producers must have rights
- Freedom from parasites
- Politicians and pickpockets
- Government vs. the people
- Spending other people’s money
- Taxes under socialism
- True tax reform
- How to crush the middle class
- The State as the supreme diety
- Mismanagement shown by debts and taxes
- Excess taxation
- Unnecessary taxes
- Why government grows
- Morality of taxation
- The real reason for small government
- Income tax
- Legal plunder has many names
- Redistribution is robbery
- The power to tax is the power to destroy
- The meaning of ‘general welfare’
- When plunder is organized by law
- Redistribution is plunder
- Excessive taxation
- Congress will not restrain from taxation
- The law defends plunder
- How the few plunder the many
- Drug laws
- Greatest threat to America today
- New taxes atop old
- Death tax
- The evil of legalizing theft
- Who really pays corporate taxes
- No property taxation
- Tax duration
- Tax beneficiaries
- Police protection
- Deficit spending
- Who pays taxes?
- Peaceable revolution
- Who supports whom
- Constant kind of warfare
- Politicians and other people’s money
- No worse tyranny
- Anything called a ‘program’ is unconstitutional
- Un-Constitutional spending
- Commerce Clause
- The larceny of taxation
- End taxation to ensure our liberty
- The forgotten man
- Taxation and tyranny
- The most dreaded enemy of liberty
- Why most Americans love government
- Some track record
- Government power vs. individual liberty
- Taxation through inflation
- Fair income taxes
- Entitlements
- Deficits mean future taxes
- Cut taxes
- Taxes diminish freedom
- State expense
- Democracy and taxes
- The sin of subsidies
- The problem with socialism
- Taxation vs. taxidermy
- Taxation for prosperity
- Robbing through taxes
- Residues of centralized bureaucracy
- Redistributing wealth
- Perpetual debt
- Oppression by unequal taxes
- Government’s view of the economy