Quotes by author
4 U.S.C. §4
A. J. P. Taylor
Abraham Lincoln
- Classroom philosophies
- Encouraged by inequality
- If you see something, say something
- Our only threat comes from within
- Power tests character
- Preserving respect and esteem
- Prohibition
- Prohibition law
- Prohibition vs. temperance
- The Constitution protects minorities
- The people are masters
- The people are the rightful masters
- Wars abroad, impoverishment at home
Adam Smith
- Achieving opulence from barbarism
- Increasing prosperity
- Managing capital
- Mercy
- Natural progress
- Party above truth
- Politicians and other people's money
- Pursuing private interests
- Self governance
- Spendthrift rulers
- The failure of rigid central planning
- The natural effort of individuals vs. the folly of human laws
- The tragedy of the poor
Adlai E. Stevenson
Adlai E. Stevenson II
Adolf Hitler
Al Capone
Alan Barth
Alan Bloom
Alan Bullock
Alan Greenspan
Alan Keyes
Albert Camus
Albert Einstein
Albert Gallatin
Albert J. Beveridge
Albert Jay Nock
Albert Szent-Gyorgi
Aldous Huxley
Alex Fraser Tytler
Alexander Haig
Alexander Hamilton
- An association of states
- Army can never threaten liberties
- At your feet or at your throat
- Be firm
- Debt overthrows public morality
- Debt rises with income
- Democracy is a disease and a poison
- Destructive government
- Diversity of enterprise for the wealth of a nation
- Enthusiasm in liberty
- Exclude foreign influence
- Foreigners vs. Americans
- Government must pay its debts
- Government must serve everyone equally
- Instruments of government
- Neutrality requires strength
- No acquiescence to thugs
- Not invented here
- Our greatest source of security
- Pausing immigration to rid newcomers of foreign attachments
- Power over men
- Proselytizing
- Real liberty
- Redressing federal government excess
- Stand for something
- State sovereignty
- States' rights
- Strict immigration laws protect our nation
- The Constitution is the law of the land
- The Constitution is the standard
- The cure for bad government
- The free market and national wealth
- The importance of natural born citizens
- The only recourse for betrayal
- The threat of open borders
- Unconstitutional is invalid
- Will power
Alexander Ivanovich Herzen
Alexander Solzhenitsyn
Alexander Tyler
Alexandr Solzhenitsyn
Alexis de Tocqueville
- A depraved taste for equality
- Corrupting the system
- Democracy and taxes
- Destroying our liberties
- Elite contempt
- Equal in slavery
- Freedom itself is the reward
- Government control
- Government is not a parent
- Principles in politics
- Supreme power enervates
- The logic of the Constitution in two sentences
- The voluntary Union
- Tyranny of the masses
Algernon Sidney
Alice Walker
Alistair Cooke
Alvin Toffler
Alyssa Ahlgren
Ambrose Bierce
American Bar Association
American Jurisprudence, 2nd Edition
Amos Funkenstein
Amos v. Mosley
Anatole France
Andrei Sakharov
Andrew Bernstein
Andrew C. McCarthy
Andrew Cline
Andrew Jackson
Andrew Klavan
Andrew Torba
Ann Coulter
- A nation of immigrants is not a nation
- Border watch
- Build the wall or get out of the way
- Clues to the immigrant crime wave
- Darfur is the natural state of the world
- Democrats on dissent
- Diversity: That culture you risked your life to flee from
- Foreign entanglements ... modern version
- Global tides
- Government as the extension of the self
- Guns are our friends
- If we lose control of immigration
- Immigration diversity
- Let's secure OUR borders
- Liberal anti-gun arguments
- Liberal treachery
- Mass immigration means giving up our rights and freedoms
- Post-welfare-state immigration
- Progressive policies make the rich richer
- Prosperity through amnesty
- Proud to be un-American
- Real purpose of the 2nd Amendment
- Reverse discrimination
- Sanity needed
- The American whey
- The George Soros factor
- The good and the bad
- The law vs fads
- The standard crisis response
- We get to pick and choose
- We must overcome 'diversity'
- We need facts about immigrant crime
- Who is non-essential?
- Why import foreign criminals?
Anna Ebeling
Anne Bowen Poulin
Anthony J. Dennis
Anthony J. Hilder
Anthony Kennedy
Anthony de Jasay
Antoine de Saint-Exupery
Antonie van Leeuwenhoek
Antonin Scalia
Archibald MacLeish
Armando Valladares
Arnold Ahlert
Arthur Goddard
Arthur Keith
Arthur S. Miller
Auberon Herbert
Aubrey Bailey
Axel Oxenstierna
Ayn Rand
- Authority without responsibility
- Capitalism vs. altruism
- Cause of inflation
- Collectivism
- Collectivism demands brute force
- Constitutional limits
- Destroy civilization by first destroying the money
- Destroying capitalism
- Difference between socialism and fascism
- Don't conflate capitalism and corporatism
- Government altruism
- Government control of the economy
- Government interference
- Government is a threat
- How to know your society is doomed
- Human chattel
- Immoral morality of the elites
- Individual rights
- Integrity is not extremism
- Limits, not license
- Love of money
- More laws for more control
- Murder or suicide
- No compromise with evil
- Police protection
- Property rights = freedom
- Rejecting 'equality of outcome'
- Rule by brute force
- Source of America's abundance
- Statism
- The goal of 'liberals'
- The nature of socialism
- The smallest minority
- The two causes for progress
- There can be no compromise
- There is no 'we' without 'I'
- Think for yourself
- Who is destroying the world?
Ayrton Senna
Barack Hussein Obama
Barbara Kay
Barry Goldwater
Baruch Spinoza
Bellamy Brooks
Ben Kinchlow
Benedict D. LaRosa
Benito Mussolini
Benjamin A. Rooge
Benjamin Constant
Benjamin Disraeli
Benjamin Franklin
- A life worth living
- Borrowing
- Choice of the governed
- Constant kind of warfare
- Danger: Government at work
- Death and taxes
- Debt ends liberty
- Declaration of independence
- Descent into monarchy
- Doing good for the poor
- Freedom of speech is the first to go
- Get informed
- God or tyrants
- Guidance of religion
- Hear both sides
- Hope
- I want liberty
- Jesus of Nazareth
- Orators
- Preserve your virtue and liberty
- Real equality
- Repeal welfare laws
- Socialism will end our Republic
- The best security for liberty
- The cause of all mankind
- The corrosive effect of welfare
- Trading liberty for safety
- Virtue and freedom
- Well done
- Where liberty dwells
Benjamin H. Hill
Benjamin Harrison
Benno Schmidt
Bergan Evans
Bernard J. Bordonet
Bernhard Haisch
Bertrand Russell
Bertrand de Jouvenel
Bill Archer
Bill Hybels
Black's Law Dictionary, 3rd Edition
Blaise Pascal
Bob Emmers
Bob McEwen
Bob Wells
Booker T. Washington
Boston Federal Reserve Bank
Brad Shurett
Brannon P. Denning
Brenda Walker
Brian Doherty
Butler D. Shaffer
C. S. Lewis
- Centralization creates monsters out of men
- Civilizations fall
- Democracy is destroying diversity
- Economic independence
- Girly men
- Running toward a cliff
- Science of tyrants
- The State as the supreme diety
- The tyranny of the 'good'
- The tyrant's plea
- Who can endure these doctrines?
- Why does the state exist?
C. Wright Mills
Calvin Coolidge
- Excess taxation
- Fight for your freedom
- Legislative priorities
- Liberty is keeping what you have earned
- Nature of liberty
- Observance and enforcement
- Persistence
- Public employee unions
- Spending other people's money
- Take control of government
- The blessing of small government
- The larceny of taxation
- Unnecessary taxes
- Who pays taxes?
- Who really pays corporate taxes
- With freedom comes responsibility
Carl Jung
Carolyn Lochhead
Cesare Beccaria
Chad Walsh
Charles A. Lindbergh Jr.
Charles A. Lindbergh Sr.
Charles Austin Beard
Charles Darwin
Charles Dickens
Charles Evans Hughes
Charles Koch
Charles Murray
Charles Osgood
Charles Sykes
Charles W. Moore
Charles de Montesquieu
Charles-Louis de Secondat
Charley Reese
Charlie Kirk
Charlie Sykes
Chester W. Nimitz
Chris Cox
Chris Hedges
Christopher Caldwell
Christopher Whalen
Chuck Schumer
Clarence Thomas
- A never-ending cycle of victimization
- Affirmative-action policies do not promote harmony
- Discrimination is not helpful
- Encouraging segregation
- Equality before the law
- Government discrimination is noxious
- No license to discriminate
- No prior restraint
- Picking racial winners and losers
- The Fourteenth Amendment needs guardrails
- The zero-sum nature of college admissions
- Today's youth not responsible for segregation
- Two wrongs cannot make a right
- What matters is how you confront challenges
Clemens von Metternich
Cockrum v. State
Cullen Hightower
D. H. Lawrence
Damon Linker
Daniel Hannan
Daniel Patrick Moynihan
Daniel Shiner
Daniel Webster
- Danger in irredeemable paper
- Freedom and restraint
- Freedom from black-robed demagogues
- Good intentions
- Government must be just
- Hold onto the Constitution
- Inherent right of the people
- Laws vs. despotism
- Paper money cheats the common man
- Property rights are foundational
- Protected by the Constitution
- Scrutinize government
- Succession
- The case for sound currency
- The grant of liberty
- The source of all true wealth is the farm
- There is a difference
Dave Barry
Dave Brat
Dave Wilber
David Bellamy
David Bergland
David D. Friedman
David Frum
David Goodhart
David Horowitz
David Hume
David Limbaugh
David Mon
Dean William Ralph Inge
Declaration of Independence
Dennis Miller
Dennis Prager
Dixon Diaz
Donald A. Collins
Donald J. Trump
- America first
- Capitalism vs. bureaucracy
- Letter from President Donald J. Trump to the Speaker of the House of Representatives
- Most important number in the immigration debate
- No patience, no tolerance, no sympathy
- No time for political correctness
- Responsible gun ownership
- Social Security Trust Fund
- The concept of global warming
- The crossroads in our history
- The future belongs to patriots
- The threat to the American Dream
- Walls are not immoral
- What is fair to illegals
- What truly matters
Donald S. McAlvaney
Dorothy Thompson
Doug Bandow
Douglas Casey
Douglas MacArthur
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Dwight Longenecker
E. B. White
E. W. Jackson Sr.
Ed Howdershelt
Edmund A. Opitz
Edmund Burke
- Addicted to power
- Control will and appetite
- Defending their errors
- Democracy's problem
- Equal rights
- False alternatives to liberty
- Fighting evil
- How power corrodes
- Liberty and justice
- More power means more abuse of power
- No checks on prosperity
- Past, present, and future
- The pretense of caring
- The squeaky wheels
- The true danger to liberty
Edmund Randolph
Edward Abbey
Edward Gibbon
Edward H. Crane
Edward Langley
Edward R. Murrow
Elbert Hubbard
Elbridge Gerry
Elizabeth Kantor
Enoch Powell
Eric Hoffer
Eric Holder
Eric Schaub
Ernest Hemingway
Ezra Pound
F. Scott Fitzgerald
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
Felix Emmanuel Schelling
Francis Bacon
Francis Bellamy
Francis Wright
Frank Chodorov
Frank Church
Frank Zappa
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Frederic Bastiat
- A fatal tendency of mankind
- Collective rights
- Expansion of the state
- Government plundering
- How socialism gains a foothold
- Laws and rights
- Legal plunder
- Legal plunder has many names
- Life, liberty, and property
- Might doesn't make right
- Natural rights
- No legal plunder
- Question the 'shepherds'
- Rational law
- Socialism vs. society
- State expense
- The evil of legalizing theft
- The fiction of government
- The law defends plunder
- The law has been perverted
- The mission of the law
- Try liberty
- Virtue of free markets
- What is this liberty?
- When plunder is organized by law
- When the law becomes corrupted
Frederick Douglass
Frederick Soddy
Freemans Journal'
Friedrich August von Hayek
- Dealing with inequality
- Equality of opportunity vs. equality of outcome
- Fiat currencies allow government theft
- Freedom of commerce
- Government mismanagement of monies
- How democracy commits suicide
- Humility before wisdom
- Idealists and fanatics
- People are very different
- Private property
- Progressive fascism
- Socialist 'economics'
- The collectivist paradox
- The free market limits oppression
- The greatest danger to liberty
- The mirage of social justice
- Time-binding
- Unintended consequences
- Unlimited power leads to despotism
- Voting for tyranny
- We used to be free
- What economists do
Friedrich Nietzsche
G. Edward Griffin
G. Gordon Liddy
Galileo Galilei
Gary Allen
George Bancroft
George Bernard Shaw
George Borjas
George Herron
George Mason
George Orwell
- Challenging the orthodoxy
- Cheerleading for war
- Control
- Destroy people by destroying history
- Disinformation
- Doublethink
- Hating the truth
- How low we've sunk
- Imposing the revolution
- Intellectual stupidity
- Loss of freedom means loss of rights
- Perpetual war
- Political language
- Politics are everywhere
- Progressive ideas
- Ruling through fraud and force
- Seeing the obvious
- The goal of Newspeak
- The two purposes of propaganda
- Thoughts vs. actions
- Truth can be revolutionary
- Truth vs. lies
- What goes around can come around
- Who are you going to believe?
- Why we have wars
- Your vote is important
George Patton
George S. Boutwell
George Santayana
George Washington
- American isolationism
- Americans must put America first
- Armed and ready
- Avoid debt
- Cherish public credit
- Conduct with other nations
- Dangerous servant and fearful master
- Death by fiat currency
- Despotism through consolidation of power
- Firearms and the Constitution
- Firearms restrain evil interference
- How best to make citizens happy
- If we lose free speech
- Immigrants must assimilate
- Informed public
- Isolationism and self-reliance
- Last official act
- Let experience solve it
- Most urgent fiscal consideration
- No favored nations
- No need to encourage immigration
- Occupants of public offices
- Only one way
- Political factions
- Preserving liberty
- Pretended patriotism
- Reason needs freedom of speech
- Religion and morality
- The best form of government
- The effect of paper money
- The insidious wiles of foreign influence
- The power of the free man
- The sacred obligation of the Constitution
- The time is now near at hand
- Traitors
- When liberty is abused to licentiousness
George Will
Georges Bernanos
Georges Ripert
Gerald Ford
Gilbert Keith Chesterton
Gordon B. Hinckley
Gore Vidal
Greg Raven
- A peek into the future
- Act now to ensure your safety
- Assault weapons
- Bigger government
- Cheaper than ever
- Electoral college
- Government backs only losers
- Governmental solutions
- Gun-free zones
- Here's how to handle the situation in Seattle
- Improvement is impossible
- Looking good in comparison
- Looking good in comparison
- Mob rule
- Modern 'progressives'
- Modern 'progressivism'
- Progressives and progress
- Putting the trans in transition
- Racing toward oblivion
- Redefining words
- Something for nothing
- The difference between Democrats and Republicans
- The land of the free and home of the brave
- The worst of the worst
- Too much of a bad thing
Gregory Christainsen
Grover Cleveland
Gustave Le Bon
H. L. Mencken
- Admiring liars
- All government is evil
- Bureaucracies vs. citizens
- Bureaucrats and guns
- Collective wisdom
- Cynics are usually correct
- Decent men needed
- Demagogue defined
- Demagogues and demaslaves
- Eat the others
- Elections cynically viewed
- Extending police power
- Failings of the fourth estate
- For every problem
- Getting what you deserve
- Government education
- Government vs. industry
- Government vs. liberty
- Governments preserve by hobbling
- Honesty in government
- I believe in only one thing
- Keeping bureaucrats honest
- Limiting our liberties
- Mob democracy
- Needed: A return to normalcy
- New taxes atop old
- Newspapers
- Of the people, by the people, and for the people
- Practical politics
- Qualifications for the Presidency
- Running the circus
- Secondary agenda
- Simple and wrong
- The enemy is the State
- The fundamental theory of American law
- The most dangerous man
- The religion of democracy
- The worst failure
- Think for yourself
- Thinking, logic, and facts
- Truth needs no law
H. L. Richardson
Hannah Arendt
Hans Eysenck
Hans L. Eicholz
Hans-Hermann Hoppe
Harry Browne
Harry Reid
Harry S. Truman
Heather Mac Donald
Heinrich Heine
Hendrik van Loon
Henry Becque
Henry David Thoreau
Henry Grady Weaver
Henry St. George Tucker
Henry Steele Commager
Herbert Hoover
Herbert Spencer
Hernando de Soto Polar
Hillary Clinton
Horatio Seymour
Hubert H. Humphrey
Huey P. Newton
Hugo L. Black
Hunter Lewis
Ilana Mercer
Immanuel Kant
Ingrid Bergman
Irwin Schiff
Isaac Bashevis Singer
J. C. Watts Jr.
J. P. Morgan
J. Robert Oppenheimer
J. Tucker Alford
Jack Carr
Jacob G. Hornberger
James A. Garfield
James Angleton
James Bovard
James Bryant Conant
James Burnham
James Cardinal Gibbons
James Fenimore Cooper
James Fitzjames Stephens
James J. Kouri
James M. Buchanan
James Madison
- 'Discretionary' spending
- A republic promises the cure
- Abuse of government power
- Abuse of power
- Accumulation of powers
- America united
- Americans are trusted with arms
- Banking control over government
- Changing and voluminous laws
- Charity is not a duty of government
- Circumspection and distrust
- Commerce Clause
- Consequences for Congress
- Conspiracy against peace
- Controlling government
- Defending against domestic tyrannies
- Distrust of powerful men
- Easy naturalization
- Enlightened free-market
- Equal protection
- Federal jurisdiction is limited
- First duty of citizens
- Fluctuating policies
- Formula for tyranny
- Freedom of the press
- From democracy to anarchy
- General Welfare
- General welfare
- Government obligations to constituents
- Independence through self-sufficiency
- Knowledge is key for liberty
- Laws must apply to all
- Legislative growth
- Liberty and faction
- Loss of liberty
- Majority makes right?
- Never let a good crisis go to waste
- New arrivals must support our Constitution
- No elective despotism
- Nothing safe from an excess of power
- Oppression by unequal taxes
- Overbearing majority
- Persons and property
- Problems with a pure democracy
- Protection of property
- Public debt
- Regulations and special interests
- Republican government
- Separation of powers
- Silent encroachments
- States are sovereign bodies
- The delegation public views
- The eyes of the world are upon us
- The foundation of self-government
- The historical background of the Constitution
- The misfortune of government
- The most dreaded enemy of liberty
- The prime function of government
- The real danger of oppression
- The ultimate authority lies in an armed populace
- Trustworthiness of government
- Tyranny and oppression
- Tyranny and oppression
- Unlimited government
- Using every trick to expand government
- We need men of virtue and wisdom
- Why a republic?
- Why leaders go to war
James Monroe
James Paine
James Paterson
James Wilson
Jared Taylor
Jarret B. Wollstein
Jean de la Bruyere
Jeff Sessions
Jefferson Davis
Jeffrey R. Snyder
Jeffrey T. Brown
Jeremy Clarkson
Jerry Brown
Jerry Pournelle
Jerry Voorhis
Jesse Lee Peterson
Jesse Ventura
Jim Goad
Joe Arpaio
Joe Digenova
Joe Sobran
- Anything called a 'program' is unconstitutional
- Can the real Constitution be restored?
- Censorship
- Communism and socialism
- Corruption in government
- Destroying our protections
- Forms of tyranny
- Government intervention
- Greed
- Liberal mating and migratory habits
- Liberalism succinctly
- Living document or dead letter?
- Modern 'diversity'
- Need, greed, and compassion
- Our government is above the law
- Politicians and pickpockets
- Several by Sobran
- Small-minded rulers
- The Federal clique
- The de-evolution of schooling
- The logic of gun control
- The purpose of a college education
- The urge to centralize
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
John Adams
- Accumulating public debt
- Allow no one to endanger liberty
- Corruption is like a cancer
- Defense as a duty
- Democracy never lasts long
- Don't be talked out of your liberties
- Educating children
- Facts are stubborn things
- Foundation of fear
- From democracy to anarchy to subjugation
- Hard times create strong men
- How to conquer and enslave
- How to make the Constitution work again
- Individual self defense
- Injurious banks
- Jaws of power
- Liberty lost
- Liberty vs. security
- Preserving liberty through knowledge
- Private property creates liberty
- Property must be protected
- Public affairs
- Republic vs. a democracy
- Republican form of government
- Stop arbitrary power cold
- The danger of direct democracy
- The danger of private interests
- The election cycle
- The evil of a two-party system
- The history of the Revolution
- The people must be moral
- Useless men
- Virtue: Public and private
- We must understand our monetary system
- Why study politics and war
- Your rights