Black racism is politically correct
I’m amazed at how openly racist black Liberals have become, and how few non-blacks are willing to call them out on it.
“Colorization” seems to be the answer to all things for Liberals, and is most important to black Liberals. More black is supposed to be better. It never is!
For the life of me, I don’t understand why on Gore’s green Earth black people would want more black people controlling their lives.
Cities are replete with black folks in charge of other black folks: Black aldermen, black city councilmen, majority black school boards (maybe one token white), black mayors, and the real shot-callers known as the Congressional Black Caucus.
Add to this a black president and a black attorney general, and you have a cornucopia of black power, all of which has led to devastation in the black community. And how is the life of Michael Brown celebrated in the black community? Looting.
You’d think by now black Liberals would have had enough of black leadership, because all they need to do is look at the evidence.
Obama has run the nation into the ground; and as I wrote a while back, if you want a recipe for failure in a municipality, elect a black Liberal.
When will black people select who is best for the job, regardless of color?