Uncommon sense about ‘collectivization’
- The remarkable F. A. Hayek
- Rights and needs of the many
- The primary goal of collectivism
- Subordination to the state
- Collectivism
- Collectivism demands brute force
- Pharmacological brainwashing
- Collectivism
- Collective immorality
- A dangerous sign of the times
- Other’s achievements
- The savagery of crowds
- The mentality of crowds
- Illogic in crowds
- Herd mentality
- Jaws of power
- Fanatical hatred
- The goal of ‘liberals’
- Imposing the revolution
- Wealthy communists
- Freeing yourself from communism
- Us vs. them
- Big Brother
- Fight big government
- Concentration of powers
- Thought control and conditioning
- Systematically making us slaves
- More government = less humanity
- Government is not the solution
- Ultimate absurdity
- Totalitarian democracy
- The standard crisis response
- Don’t hand over your powers
- Politics as religion
- The nature of socialism
- That which belongs to everyone belongs to no one
- There is no ‘we’ without ‘I’
- Observations from an indignant millennial
- In the name of liberalism
- Producers must have rights
- Peace through freedom
- Centralization of powers
- The growth of centralized government
- Spending other people’s money
- The price of utopia is freedom
- Globalist hypocrisy
- Immoral morality of the elites
- The cost of good intentions
- Good intentions
- The statist objective
- The deity of the State
- Public sector vs. private
- Man exists for himself
- Humans as objects of the state
- The urge to centralize
- It starts with the centralization of power
- Collectivist promised
- The collectivist paradox
- State vs. society
- The failure of rigid central planning
- Despotism through consolidation of power
- Freedom giving way to control
- The failure of central planners
- Fed Corp.
- Collectivist emergencies
- The alibi of tyrants
- Perfection vs. government promises
- Family and country
- Public employee unions
- Public employee union tactics
- Public employee collective bargaining
- Rule by brute force
- Obedience and rebellion
- Collectivization
- Majority vs. minority