What is fair to illegals (Apr 21st, 2024)
We have met the enemy (Apr 20th, 2024)
Walls are not immoral (Apr 19th, 2024)
Violating the Constitution (Apr 18th, 2024)
Undermining the most important principles (Apr 17th, 2024)
Unconstitutional laws (Apr 16th, 2024)
‘Tolerance’ in the media and academia (Apr 15th, 2024)
Tolerance becomes a crime (Apr 14th, 2024)
Teacher expectations (Apr 13th, 2024)
Supreme power enervates (Apr 12th, 2024)
Supporting evil (Apr 11th, 2024)
Study the Constitution (Apr 10th, 2024)
Statists relish ‘crises’ (Apr 9th, 2024)
Schools can be damaging (Apr 8th, 2024)
Same rules for all (Apr 7th, 2024)
Rights are not given (Apr 6th, 2024)
Protecting God-given rights (Apr 5th, 2024)
Prohibition vs. temperance (Apr 4th, 2024)
Positive laws are tyrannical (Apr 3rd, 2024)
Pledge of allegiance (Apr 2nd, 2024)
No patience, no tolerance, no sympathy (Apr 1st, 2024)
A near-perfect republic (Mar 31st, 2024)
Natural rights of the colonists (Mar 30th, 2024)
Most potent weapon of oppression (Mar 29th, 2024)
Fewer laws, stronger mores (Mar 28th, 2024)
Misinterpreting the Constitution (Mar 27th, 2024)
Liberty and learning (Mar 26th, 2024)
Test for a police state (Mar 25th, 2024)
Acquitting the unjustly accused (Mar 24th, 2024)
Jury nullification (Mar 23rd, 2024)
I pledge allegiance (Mar 22nd, 2024)
Government is the teacher (Mar 21st, 2024)
Government education (Mar 20th, 2024)
The function of the prosecutor (Mar 19th, 2024)
Freedom to publish (Mar 18th, 2024)
Freedom and the rule of law (Mar 17th, 2024)
First sign of societal corruption (Mar 16th, 2024)
We should be eternally vigilant (Mar 15th, 2024)
Ensuring a country’s survival (Mar 14th, 2024)
Jury’s prerogative (Mar 13th, 2024)
Decentralization is crucial (Mar 12th, 2024)
Unconstitutional is invalid (Mar 11th, 2024)
Classroom philosophies (Mar 10th, 2024)
Becoming the Third World (Mar 9th, 2024)
Attacking ignorance (Mar 8th, 2024)
Actions over words (Mar 7th, 2024)
Gun-free zones (Mar 6th, 2024)
Gold and silver afford the only safe foundation for a monetary system (Mar 5th, 2024)
The value of paper money (Mar 4th, 2024)
Do not blame Caesar (Mar 3rd, 2024)
The remarkable F. A. Hayek (Mar 2nd, 2024)
Economic security is not a human right (Mar 1st, 2024)
Taxation is theft is slavery (Feb 29th, 2024)
The sole focus of all conflict (Feb 28th, 2024)
You have the right to bear arms (Feb 27th, 2024)
Rights and needs of the many (Feb 26th, 2024)
The primary goal of collectivism (Feb 25th, 2024)
Subordination to the state (Feb 24th, 2024)
Woke Disney has a major problem (Feb 23rd, 2024)
Usury wrecks nations (Feb 22nd, 2024)
Proscribing Constitutional rights (Feb 21st, 2024)
The people must not be disarmed (Feb 20th, 2024)
Modern criminal justice (Feb 19th, 2024)
Turning virtue into evil (Feb 18th, 2024)
Problem solving (Feb 17th, 2024)
Simplicity is best (Feb 16th, 2024)
Well-timed silence (Feb 15th, 2024)
Paper money is unfair (Feb 14th, 2024)
At war with competition (Feb 13th, 2024)
Fiat currency (Feb 12th, 2024)
Social Security (Feb 11th, 2024)
Private property (Feb 10th, 2024)
The only security (Feb 9th, 2024)
The reality of race (Feb 8th, 2024)
Testimony before the House Administration Committee (Feb 7th, 2024)
The Federal Reserve Banking System (Feb 7th, 2024)
Fiat currency is debt (Feb 6th, 2024)
The least government is the best government (Feb 5th, 2024)
Technology has exceeded our humanity (Feb 3rd, 2024)
Definition of ‘gun control’ (Feb 2nd, 2024)
Every able-bodied citizen (Feb 1st, 2024)
Prevent the establishment of a standing army (Jan 31st, 2024)
America united (Jan 30th, 2024)
The 2nd Amendment will always be important (Jan 29th, 2024)
That every man be armed (Jan 28th, 2024)
The right to keep and bear arms (Jan 27th, 2024)
Protection against tyranny (Jan 26th, 2024)
Life depends on self-defense (Jan 25th, 2024)
The inequality of the races (Jan 24th, 2024)
Virtue over government (Jan 23rd, 2024)
Turning interest into principal (Jan 22nd, 2024)
Political factions (Jan 21st, 2024)
Constitutional law (Jan 20th, 2024)
Promote goodness (Jan 19th, 2024)
Think for yourself (Jan 18th, 2024)
Mob democracy (Jan 17th, 2024)
Eternal vigilence (Jan 16th, 2024)
Remaining always a child (Jan 15th, 2024)
Education today (Jan 14th, 2024)
Good and safe government (Jan 13th, 2024)
Laws vs. despotism (Jan 12th, 2024)
Unlimited and unconstitutional (Jan 11th, 2024)
Their ideas don’t work (Jan 10th, 2024)
Simple and wrong (Jan 9th, 2024)
Rising temperatures (Jan 8th, 2024)
Squabbling nationalities (Jan 7th, 2024)
Press v. public (Jan 6th, 2024)
States are sovereign bodies (Jan 5th, 2024)
Study your past (Jan 4th, 2024)
The two causes for progress (Jan 3rd, 2024)
No Constitutional warrant for welfare (Jan 2nd, 2024)
The average American worker (Jan 1st, 2024)
Accumulating public debt (Dec 31st, 2023)
Government interference (Dec 30th, 2023)
Stimulus packages (Dec 29th, 2023)
Regulating everything (Dec 28th, 2023)
The fascist state (Dec 27th, 2023)
Danger in irredeemable paper (Dec 26th, 2023)
In God we trust (Dec 25th, 2023)
Cut goverment funding (Dec 24th, 2023)
Historically sound money (Dec 23rd, 2023)
Inflation decreases purchasing power (Dec 22nd, 2023)
The greatest crime in history (Dec 21st, 2023)
A complex system of checks and balances (Dec 20th, 2023)
Our divided world (Dec 19th, 2023)
Defend our borders (Dec 18th, 2023)
Wheat and chaff (Dec 17th, 2023)
Incubating tyranny (Dec 16th, 2023)
Deflecting attention (Dec 15th, 2023)
So many things that aren’t so (Dec 14th, 2023)
The law has been perverted (Dec 13th, 2023)
The Rule of Law (Dec 12th, 2023)
Rights under Islam (Dec 11th, 2023)
Advances and discoveries (Dec 10th, 2023)
No uniformity of opinion (Dec 9th, 2023)
No government favoritism (Dec 8th, 2023)
Equality under the law (Dec 7th, 2023)
Angel or devil (Dec 6th, 2023)
Collectivism (Dec 5th, 2023)
Political-correctness facists (Dec 4th, 2023)
Capitalism vs. altruism (Dec 3rd, 2023)
People are very different (Dec 2nd, 2023)
Rightful limits to power (Dec 1st, 2023)
Equality in governments (Nov 30th, 2023)
Continuous controversy (Nov 29th, 2023)
Judging on the basis of intentions (Nov 28th, 2023)
Keep government small (Nov 27th, 2023)
Wokeness is a shield (Nov 26th, 2023)
Freedom vs. equality (Nov 25th, 2023)
Global warming is part of a natural cycle (Nov 24th, 2023)
Freedom over equality (Nov 23rd, 2023)
Clamoring for equality (Nov 22nd, 2023)
The defect of equality (Nov 21st, 2023)
Government discrimination is noxious (Nov 20th, 2023)
Liberty over your own actions (Nov 19th, 2023)
Individual happiness (Nov 18th, 2023)
Right to be different (Nov 17th, 2023)
Special charters of freedoms (Nov 16th, 2023)
No necessary evils in government (Nov 15th, 2023)
Denying scientific principles (Nov 14th, 2023)
Bigger government (Nov 13th, 2023)
Improvement is impossible (Nov 12th, 2023)
Looking good in comparison (Nov 11th, 2023)
The speed of lie (Nov 10th, 2023)
Jury rights and duties (Nov 9th, 2023)
Check the maximum harm (Nov 8th, 2023)
Freedom from arbitrary power (Nov 7th, 2023)
Truth (Nov 6th, 2023)
Communism vs. Naziism (Nov 5th, 2023)
Preserve the innocent (Nov 4th, 2023)
Communism vs. fascism (Nov 3rd, 2023)
Science of tyrants (Nov 2nd, 2023)
Forced monopolies (Nov 1st, 2023)
No commission to police the world (Oct 31st, 2023)
Economic controls (Oct 30th, 2023)
Prescribing speech (Oct 29th, 2023)
Object of war (Oct 28th, 2023)
Kind word and a gun (Oct 27th, 2023)
Cynics are usually correct (Oct 26th, 2023)
Optimist vs. pessimist (Oct 25th, 2023)
The behavior of the multitude (Oct 24th, 2023)
Personal responsibility (Oct 23rd, 2023)
State sovereignty (Oct 22nd, 2023)
Liberty is the hardest test (Oct 21st, 2023)
Shameless liars (Oct 20th, 2023)
State deception (Oct 19th, 2023)
Bolsheviks were not Russians (Oct 18th, 2023)
Discovery (Oct 17th, 2023)
Education fights slavery (Oct 16th, 2023)
Laws and rights (Oct 15th, 2023)
Unrestrained authority (Oct 14th, 2023)
Power must be dispersed (Oct 13th, 2023)
Increasing prosperity (Oct 12th, 2023)
One honest man (Oct 11th, 2023)
Tyranny and oppression (Oct 10th, 2023)
Socialism produces unhappiness (Oct 9th, 2023)
Destroy people by destroying history (Oct 8th, 2023)
Never assume the obvious is true (Oct 7th, 2023)
Political correctness is communist propaganda (Oct 6th, 2023)
Protected right to own and carry arms (Oct 5th, 2023)
Gun rights are for securing independence (Oct 4th, 2023)
No longer free (Oct 3rd, 2023)
Bill of Rights (Oct 2nd, 2023)
Improper weights (Oct 1st, 2023)
Preferential treatment (Sep 30th, 2023)
Don’t trust a necessary evil (Sep 29th, 2023)
Everything you know is wrong (Sep 28th, 2023)
CIA owns everyone (Sep 27th, 2023)
Don’t try to live on hope (Sep 26th, 2023)
Hope and despair (Sep 25th, 2023)
No ‘interest-balancing’ rights (Sep 24th, 2023)
The right to bear arms is absolute (Sep 23rd, 2023)
Army can never threaten liberties (Sep 22nd, 2023)
Socialism related to despotism (Sep 21st, 2023)
Spirit of liberty (Sep 20th, 2023)
I cannot live without books (Sep 19th, 2023)
Easy naturalization (Sep 18th, 2023)
Protecting women (Sep 17th, 2023)
Science vs. consensus (Sep 16th, 2023)
Not young enough (Sep 15th, 2023)
Real knowledge (Sep 14th, 2023)
Eternal Vigilance (Sep 13th, 2023)
Succession (Sep 12th, 2023)
Power of nullification (Sep 11th, 2023)
Dissenters (Sep 10th, 2023)
Currency is a new form of slavery (Sep 9th, 2023)
Theory of free speech (Sep 8th, 2023)
Judging character (Sep 7th, 2023)
End disastrous policies, period (Sep 6th, 2023)
The eyes of the world are upon us (Sep 5th, 2023)
Tell them the truth (Sep 4th, 2023)
Consensus isn’t science (Sep 3rd, 2023)
Antidote to arrogance (Sep 2nd, 2023)
We are taxed on everything (Sep 1st, 2023)
No duty to their constituents (Aug 31st, 2023)
Guiding principle (Aug 30th, 2023)
Invisible empire (Aug 29th, 2023)
Might becomes right (Aug 28th, 2023)
Reluctantly forced to war (Aug 27th, 2023)
Truth travels slowly (Aug 26th, 2023)
Divergence of beliefs (Aug 25th, 2023)
Governing by force and fraud (Aug 24th, 2023)
Controlling the volume of money (Aug 23rd, 2023)
People without homes will not quarrel (Aug 22nd, 2023)
Intellects or imbeciles (Aug 21st, 2023)
The fuel of liberty (Aug 19th, 2023)
The most important political office (Aug 18th, 2023)
Trying to erase poverty (Aug 17th, 2023)
Egotism (Aug 16th, 2023)
Laws against opinions (Aug 15th, 2023)
One generation of the welfare state (Aug 14th, 2023)
Basic upper education (Aug 13th, 2023)
Persons and property (Aug 12th, 2023)
Control no others (Aug 11th, 2023)
Wants and wickedness (Aug 10th, 2023)
The mark of education (Aug 9th, 2023)
The priceless heritage of our society (Aug 8th, 2023)
From liberty to tyranny (Aug 7th, 2023)
The trade of governing (Aug 6th, 2023)
All wealth starts on the farm (Aug 5th, 2023)
Republican government (Aug 4th, 2023)
Vitality vs. decadance (Aug 3rd, 2023)
Knowledge based on evidence (Aug 2nd, 2023)
Our secret Establishment (Aug 1st, 2023)
Diversity of beliefs (Jul 31st, 2023)
From democracy to dictatorship (Jul 30th, 2023)
Freedom to choose (Jul 29th, 2023)
Craving after knowledge (Jul 28th, 2023)
Enslaving the people (Jul 27th, 2023)
Secessionist attitudes (Jul 26th, 2023)
Jury nullification (Jul 25th, 2023)
Fear enables power (Jul 24th, 2023)
Professional soldiers (Jul 23rd, 2023)
Which is the best government? (Jul 22nd, 2023)
Integrity needs no rules (Jul 21st, 2023)
Submitting to burdens (Jul 20th, 2023)
Free market for speech (Jul 19th, 2023)
Be ready to defend your country (Jul 18th, 2023)
Self esteem instead of knowledge (Jul 17th, 2023)
Thrift vs. greed (Jul 16th, 2023)
Private property (Jul 15th, 2023)
The will to be responsible (Jul 14th, 2023)
Make your own circumstances (Jul 13th, 2023)
Speech vs. violence (Jul 12th, 2023)
The individual is sovereign (Jul 11th, 2023)
Carbon dioxide and climate (Jul 10th, 2023)
Anybody can be president (Jul 9th, 2023)
Well done (Jul 8th, 2023)
Greatest mass delusion in the history of the world (Jul 7th, 2023)
Dooming civilization to failure (Jul 6th, 2023)
Unscientific age (Jul 5th, 2023)
States’ rights (Jul 4th, 2023)
Judge carefully and well (Jul 3rd, 2023)
Constitutional communism (Jul 2nd, 2023)
Too many high-sounding words (Jul 1st, 2023)
Freedom rings (Jul 1st, 2023)
Character (Jun 30th, 2023)
The zero-sum nature of college admissions (Jun 29th, 2023)
Today’s youth not responsible for segregation (Jun 29th, 2023)
Two wrongs cannot make a right (Jun 29th, 2023)
Picking racial winners and losers (Jun 29th, 2023)
Is your life worth protecting? (Jun 29th, 2023)
No license to discriminate (Jun 29th, 2023)
What matters is how you confront challenges (Jun 29th, 2023)
Affirmative-action policies do not promote harmony (Jun 29th, 2023)
Encouraging segregation (Jun 29th, 2023)
Discrimination is not helpful (Jun 29th, 2023)
A never-ending cycle of victimization (Jun 29th, 2023)
The Fourteenth Amendment needs guardrails (Jun 29th, 2023)
Liberty endangered (Jun 28th, 2023)
Our institutions have become untrustworthy and corrupted (Jun 27th, 2023)
Freedom of thought (Jun 26th, 2023)
Reality vs. fiction (Jun 25th, 2023)
The fight in the dog (Jun 24th, 2023)
Might does not make right (Jun 23rd, 2023)
Authority disallows reason (Jun 22nd, 2023)
America has been changing and not for the better (Jun 21st, 2023)
The people are not to be disarmed (Jun 20th, 2023)
Learning is not attained by chance (Jun 19th, 2023)
My definition of a free society (Jun 18th, 2023)
Freedom does not always win (Jun 17th, 2023)
Who can endure these doctrines? (Jun 16th, 2023)
Whatever exists deserves to be known (Jun 15th, 2023)
The concept of global warming (Jun 14th, 2023)
Limiting the freedom of news (Jun 13th, 2023)
False facts (Jun 12th, 2023)
Power is the prize (Jun 11th, 2023)
Where liberty dwells (Jun 10th, 2023)
Truth is incontrovertible (Jun 9th, 2023)
Thinking, logic, and facts (Jun 8th, 2023)
Surrendering Constitutional rights (Jun 7th, 2023)
Support freedom (Jun 6th, 2023)
Religion and morality (Jun 5th, 2023)
Occupants of public offices (Jun 4th, 2023)
Let experience solve it (Jun 3rd, 2023)
Keep up the fight (Jun 2nd, 2023)
Governments preserve by hobbling (Jun 1st, 2023)
Those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn (May 31st, 2023)
Giving up your power (May 30th, 2023)
Liberty of the individual (May 29th, 2023)
Loss of candor is grievous (May 28th, 2023)
Unalienable rights (May 27th, 2023)
The true object of propaganda (May 26th, 2023)
Freedom of the mind (May 25th, 2023)
Redistributing poverty (May 24th, 2023)
How people constitute a government (May 23rd, 2023)
Educate to preserve liberty (May 22nd, 2023)
The delegation public views (May 21st, 2023)
Liberty is the luxury of self-discipline (May 20th, 2023)
Any man can be a radical (May 19th, 2023)
Avoid debt (May 18th, 2023)
Cherish public credit (May 17th, 2023)
Efficient government (May 16th, 2023)
Exploiters as educators (May 15th, 2023)
Freedom is a responsibility (May 14th, 2023)
Freedom is risky (May 13th, 2023)
All might be free (May 12th, 2023)
Immigrants must assimilate (May 11th, 2023)
All lawful authority (May 10th, 2023)
The slavery of the herd (May 9th, 2023)
The only recourse for betrayal (May 8th, 2023)
Look to the root causes (May 7th, 2023)
Freedom itself is the reward (May 6th, 2023)
Federal censorship (May 5th, 2023)
Facts are facts (May 4th, 2023)
Debt rises with income (May 3rd, 2023)
Collectivism demands brute force (May 2nd, 2023)
Care more for truth (May 1st, 2023)
The failure of gun control (Apr 30th, 2023)
Personal security, personal liberty, and private property (Apr 29th, 2023)
Carbon dioxide (Apr 23rd, 2023)
The most oppressive taxation (Apr 22nd, 2023)
Power always corrupts (Apr 21st, 2023)
Death and taxes (Apr 19th, 2023)
Burgeoning bureaucracy (Apr 18th, 2023)
No liberty without the sword and the purse (Apr 17th, 2023)
For every problem (Apr 14th, 2023)
Think before voting (Apr 7th, 2023)
The essential characteristic of government (Apr 7th, 2023)
Terrorism as a political weapon (Apr 7th, 2023)
Solving problems (Apr 7th, 2023)
Pursuing private interests (Apr 7th, 2023)
Prohibition (Apr 7th, 2023)
New manner of thinking (Apr 7th, 2023)
Lucky rulers (Apr 7th, 2023)
Learning from others (Apr 7th, 2023)
Gold is the ultimate (Apr 7th, 2023)
Freedom is not a gift (Apr 7th, 2023)
Aid to the enemy (Apr 7th, 2023)
The goal of Newspeak (Feb 13th, 2023)
Propaganda’s purpose (Jan 31st, 2023)
Laissez-faire has not failed (Jan 30th, 2023)
Liberty or servitude (Jan 23rd, 2023)
Courage first (Jan 17th, 2023)
Swimming against the stream (Jan 12th, 2023)
Truth through experience (Jan 11th, 2023)
Running the circus (Jan 10th, 2023)
Ye shall know the truth (Jan 9th, 2023)
Party above truth (Jan 8th, 2023)
Government vs. liberty (Jan 7th, 2023)
Getting what you deserve (Jan 6th, 2023)
Eat the others (Jan 5th, 2023)
Collective wisdom (Jan 4th, 2023)
Pharmacological brainwashing (Dec 28th, 2022)
Give ‘em hell (Dec 28th, 2022)
Ancient truth (Dec 28th, 2022)
A jolt of Western civilization (Dec 28th, 2022)
Think for yourself (Dec 27th, 2022)
Public debt is our greatest enemy (Dec 19th, 2022)
Debt overthrows public morality (Dec 19th, 2022)
Unforgivable sin (Dec 17th, 2022)
Imprisoning the unpopular (Dec 17th, 2022)
Enlightened free-market (Dec 17th, 2022)
Don’t disarm law-abiding citizens (Dec 17th, 2022)
Defending their errors (Dec 17th, 2022)
Most dangerous weapon (Dec 12th, 2022)
Mercy (Dec 12th, 2022)
Life, liberty, and property (Dec 9th, 2022)
If you really wanted to destroy the U.S., then … (Dec 1st, 2022)
Those behind the scenes (Nov 30th, 2022)
The individual, not the government (Nov 25th, 2022)
Will power (Nov 24th, 2022)
The price of free benefits (Nov 24th, 2022)
The limits of their compassion (Nov 24th, 2022)
Problem solvers (Nov 24th, 2022)
Climate alarmists (Nov 24th, 2022)
Bankrupters (Nov 24th, 2022)
Individual opportunity (Nov 23rd, 2022)
What goes around can come around (Nov 22nd, 2022)
Hidden taxation (Nov 22nd, 2022)
Change for the better (Nov 22nd, 2022)
No right to arbitrary power (Nov 21st, 2022)
Try liberty (Nov 16th, 2022)
Short memories (Oct 28th, 2022)
The enemy within (Oct 27th, 2022)
The Bill of Rights (Oct 27th, 2022)
Don’t use kids as guinea pigs (Oct 12th, 2022)
Too dangerous (Oct 8th, 2022)
The need for unfettered freedom (Oct 8th, 2022)
The historical background of the Constitution (Oct 8th, 2022)
Education paradox (Oct 8th, 2022)
Collectivism (Oct 8th, 2022)
Socialism as slavery (Oct 5th, 2022)
The society we want (Sep 16th, 2022)
Preserving liberty through knowledge (Sep 16th, 2022)
Ruling through fraud and force (Aug 30th, 2022)
Freedom is not a reward (Aug 25th, 2022)
Government expands at will (Aug 12th, 2022)
Collective immorality (Aug 12th, 2022)
A dangerous sign of the times (Aug 1st, 2022)
The cause of all mankind (Jul 27th, 2022)
All government is evil (Jul 26th, 2022)
Appreciate what you’ve been given (Jul 25th, 2022)
Education has been replaced by ideological indoctrination (Jul 23rd, 2022)
Only the pathetic cannot defend themselves (Jul 21st, 2022)
Government waste (Jul 14th, 2022)
America first (May 29th, 2022)
A radical (May 18th, 2022)
Hear both sides (May 16th, 2022)
Freedom of the press (May 16th, 2022)
Needed: A return to normalcy (May 14th, 2022)
Disinformation (May 10th, 2022)
Free speech (May 4th, 2022)
There must be no limit (May 3rd, 2022)
Idealists and fanatics (Apr 22nd, 2022)
Protection against the mob (Apr 18th, 2022)
Injurious banks (Apr 13th, 2022)
The judiciary as saboteurs (Apr 4th, 2022)
Root of tyranny (Mar 24th, 2022)
Conspiracy against peace (Mar 22nd, 2022)
Americans are trusted with arms (Mar 22nd, 2022)
Isolationism and self-reliance (Mar 13th, 2022)
Wars abroad, impoverishment at home (Mar 10th, 2022)
Let’s secure OUR borders (Mar 4th, 2022)
Inflation (Feb 27th, 2022)
Trial by jury (Feb 25th, 2022)
Tyrants and war (Feb 22nd, 2022)
The two purposes of propaganda (Feb 18th, 2022)
The logic of gun control (Feb 18th, 2022)
Several by Sobran (Feb 18th, 2022)
Liberalism succinctly (Feb 18th, 2022)
Historical benefits of anonymity (Feb 18th, 2022)
Free speech in peace and in war (Feb 18th, 2022)
Marxist breeding ground (Feb 16th, 2022)
Censorship and oppression (Feb 14th, 2022)
Reason needs freedom of speech (Feb 8th, 2022)
The career of a politician (Feb 1st, 2022)
Preserving respect and esteem (Jan 31st, 2022)
Honest money needed (Jan 17th, 2022)
The politician’s alternative (Jan 15th, 2022)
Political language (Jan 15th, 2022)
Free press (Jan 11th, 2022)
What war is good for (Jan 7th, 2022)
The Federal Reserve (Jan 6th, 2022)
Taxation without representation (Jan 5th, 2022)
Use it or lose it (Dec 29th, 2021)
The free market (Dec 29th, 2021)
Preserving our liberty (Dec 8th, 2021)
Reject appeals to authority (Dec 3rd, 2021)
Equal protection (Dec 2nd, 2021)
Ask not (Nov 25th, 2021)
Stop false climate teachings (Nov 23rd, 2021)
Freedom allows greatness (Nov 22nd, 2021)
Cheap lies (Nov 21st, 2021)
Science vs. consensus (Nov 19th, 2021)
The benefits and hypocrisy of playing the slavery card (Nov 18th, 2021)
How Affirmative Action creates dangerous double standards (Nov 18th, 2021)
Preserving freedom (Nov 10th, 2021)
The greatest calamity (Nov 8th, 2021)
That time is now (Nov 1st, 2021)
Looking good in comparison (Oct 29th, 2021)
A Bill of Rights (Oct 27th, 2021)
Why they fought (Oct 11th, 2021)
The time is now near at hand (Oct 11th, 2021)
The last resource (Oct 11th, 2021)
The history of the Revolution (Oct 11th, 2021)
Self government (Oct 11th, 2021)
History (Oct 10th, 2021)
Economics 101 (Sep 27th, 2021)
Natural progression (Sep 14th, 2021)
Other’s achievements (Sep 11th, 2021)
Controlling the masses (Sep 7th, 2021)
Descent into tyranny (Sep 6th, 2021)
Which is worse? (Sep 3rd, 2021)
The savagery of crowds (Sep 3rd, 2021)
The mentality of crowds (Sep 3rd, 2021)
Revolutions and belief (Sep 3rd, 2021)
No thirst for truth in the masses (Sep 3rd, 2021)
Intolerance and beliefs (Sep 3rd, 2021)
Illogic in crowds (Sep 3rd, 2021)
Civilizations (Sep 3rd, 2021)
Chimeras (Sep 3rd, 2021)
No checks on prosperity (Sep 1st, 2021)
Fight limits on the individual (Aug 25th, 2021)
What if? (Aug 16th, 2021)
The truth about Afghanistan (Aug 15th, 2021)
Insidious forces within (Aug 11th, 2021)
Money talks (Aug 10th, 2021)
One reason for optimism (Aug 8th, 2021)
Fixing the open border (Aug 8th, 2021)
Honor in work (Aug 4th, 2021)
Racial differences in intelligence (Aug 3rd, 2021)
Private property creates liberty (Jul 30th, 2021)
The very essence of freedom (Jul 9th, 2021)
One sin of socialism (Jul 9th, 2021)
Neither restraint nor aid (Jul 7th, 2021)
The American dream (Jul 5th, 2021)
American exceptionalism (Jul 2nd, 2021)
God or tyrants (Jun 29th, 2021)
Can the real Constitution be restored? (Jun 29th, 2021)
Our greatest source of security (Jun 21st, 2021)
The rising tide of tyranny (Jun 18th, 2021)
Reality over perception (Jun 18th, 2021)
United we must remain (Jun 17th, 2021)
Appeasement (Jun 17th, 2021)
Redefining words (Jun 16th, 2021)
Power and prophecies (Jun 12th, 2021)
Hiding the truth (Jun 5th, 2021)
Unlawful commands (Jun 4th, 2021)
Twitter power (May 31st, 2021)
The worst of the worst (May 31st, 2021)
The land of the free and home of the brave (May 31st, 2021)
Racing toward oblivion (May 31st, 2021)
Putting the trans in transition (May 31st, 2021)
Never apologize (May 31st, 2021)
Herd mentality (May 31st, 2021)
Content of their character (May 31st, 2021)
Virtue of free markets (May 10th, 2021)
The Constitution does not protect us (Apr 28th, 2021)
Private rights are a public good (Apr 26th, 2021)
Newspapers (Apr 26th, 2021)
Law above democracy (Apr 26th, 2021)
Girly men (Apr 26th, 2021)
What is the Alt-right? (Apr 23rd, 2021)
I believe in only one thing (Apr 23rd, 2021)
Government control (Apr 23rd, 2021)
Protection of property (Apr 22nd, 2021)
Freedom of speech is paramount (Apr 22nd, 2021)
Our Bill of Rights (Apr 13th, 2021)
Justifying freedom of speech (Apr 12th, 2021)
If we lose free speech (Apr 12th, 2021)
Finding the right answer (Apr 12th, 2021)
Why study politics and war (Apr 10th, 2021)
Hard times create strong men (Apr 10th, 2021)
Gun rights are fundamental to our liberty (Apr 10th, 2021)
Liberty is the highest political end (Apr 5th, 2021)
Rightful liberty (Apr 1st, 2021)
Blind belief in authority (Mar 31st, 2021)
Jaws of power (Mar 29th, 2021)
Curb your shame (Mar 26th, 2021)
Congress is not authorized (Mar 22nd, 2021)
First duty of citizens (Mar 20th, 2021)
Honest differences (Mar 15th, 2021)
Education control (Mar 13th, 2021)
Who to blame (Mar 11th, 2021)
The evil of a two-party system (Mar 11th, 2021)
The danger of private interests (Mar 11th, 2021)
Taxation equals slavery (Mar 9th, 2021)
Changing and voluminous laws (Mar 9th, 2021)
Usurpation (Mar 7th, 2021)
Truth during war (Mar 7th, 2021)
Private thoughts (Mar 7th, 2021)
Measuring success (Mar 7th, 2021)
Federal Reserve Act of 1913 (Mar 7th, 2021)
Fanatical hatred (Mar 5th, 2021)
Progressive mind-control (Mar 4th, 2021)
Conservatives vs. liberals (Mar 4th, 2021)
Politically-correct education (Mar 3rd, 2021)
The real tragedy of life (Mar 1st, 2021)
Journalists cannot serve two masters (Mar 1st, 2021)
Freedom, reason, and the slavery of fear (Mar 1st, 2021)
The worst failure (Feb 26th, 2021)
The company you keep (Feb 26th, 2021)
Take action for liberty (Feb 26th, 2021)
Self-protection (Feb 26th, 2021)
Safety vs. liberty (Feb 26th, 2021)
Run your own life (Feb 26th, 2021)
Limiting government power (Feb 26th, 2021)
Gun control (Feb 26th, 2021)
Government does not create wealth (Feb 26th, 2021)
Freedom from coercion (Feb 26th, 2021)
Free market benefits (Feb 26th, 2021)
Empty promises (Feb 26th, 2021)
Don’t steal (Feb 26th, 2021)
Central banking (Feb 26th, 2021)
The goal of ‘liberals’ (Feb 25th, 2021)
Imposing the revolution (Feb 25th, 2021)
The strongest argument for free enterprise (Feb 22nd, 2021)
Preserve your virtue and liberty (Feb 22nd, 2021)
Wealthy communists (Feb 19th, 2021)
Freeing yourself from communism (Feb 19th, 2021)
The victims of slavery (Feb 18th, 2021)
How socialism gains a foothold (Feb 17th, 2021)
The perfect tool (Feb 16th, 2021)
Wolves and lambs (Feb 11th, 2021)
Western civilization (Feb 11th, 2021)
Democracy is a disease and a poison (Feb 11th, 2021)
Freedom shrinks as government grows (Feb 9th, 2021)
Modern government in a nutshell (Feb 8th, 2021)
A test for freedom (Feb 8th, 2021)
Goal achieved (Feb 4th, 2021)
Checks and restraints (Feb 4th, 2021)
Us vs. them (Feb 1st, 2021)
Invasion U.S.A. (Jan 31st, 2021)
Fairness (Jan 31st, 2021)
Socialism (Jan 30th, 2021)
Who are you going to believe? (Jan 27th, 2021)
What truly matters (Jan 27th, 2021)
Control (Jan 27th, 2021)
Power struggle (Jan 23rd, 2021)
Big Brother (Jan 23rd, 2021)
Think for yourself (Jan 22nd, 2021)
The squeaky wheels (Jan 22nd, 2021)
Capitalism vs. socialism (Jan 21st, 2021)
Fight big government (Jan 19th, 2021)
The prime function of government (Jan 14th, 2021)
Property rights are foundational (Jan 14th, 2021)
Liberty vs. force (Jan 14th, 2021)
Take nothing for granted (Jan 13th, 2021)
Concentration of powers (Jan 13th, 2021)
They are supposed to work for us (Jan 12th, 2021)
Seductions of power (Jan 12th, 2021)
Thought control and conditioning (Jan 11th, 2021)
The bigger the front, the bigger the back (Jan 10th, 2021)
Confession (Jan 9th, 2021)
Danger: Government at work (Jan 7th, 2021)
Perpetual war (Jan 4th, 2021)
From servants to masters (Jan 4th, 2021)
Free men or drudges? (Jan 4th, 2021)
A peek into the future (Jan 4th, 2021)
Systematically making us slaves (Jan 1st, 2021)
The people are the rightful masters (Dec 30th, 2020)
Safety third (Dec 30th, 2020)
Put up or shut up (Dec 30th, 2020)
From slavery to liberty to slavery in three generations (Dec 30th, 2020)
Speak without fear (Dec 25th, 2020)
Prison or liberty (Dec 25th, 2020)
The importance of law and justice (Dec 21st, 2020)
Government must be just (Dec 21st, 2020)
The importance of accountability (Dec 14th, 2020)
Law and freedom (Dec 14th, 2020)
No acquiescence to thugs (Dec 9th, 2020)
Check your assumptions (Dec 8th, 2020)
What is ‘just’ (Dec 7th, 2020)
Bi-partisan theft (Dec 7th, 2020)
Affirmative action to assuage guilt (Dec 7th, 2020)
Inequality before the law (Nov 17th, 2020)
The best argument for small government (Nov 16th, 2020)
Repression of speech (Nov 13th, 2020)
Government secrecy (Nov 13th, 2020)
Exposing government deceit (Nov 11th, 2020)
Progressivism in a nutshell (Nov 10th, 2020)
Limits, not license (Nov 6th, 2020)
The cost of false equality (Nov 4th, 2020)
Electoral college (Nov 4th, 2020)
The value of fake news (Oct 30th, 2020)
Education is a weapon (Oct 30th, 2020)
Running toward a cliff (Oct 29th, 2020)
Legal plunder (Oct 29th, 2020)
Beware the cure (Oct 29th, 2020)
The fallacy of democracy (Oct 23rd, 2020)
Making the best use of knowledge (Oct 23rd, 2020)
Gratitude vs. entitlement (Oct 23rd, 2020)
Adminicles (Oct 23rd, 2020)
Social democracy and fascism (Oct 10th, 2020)
The importance of language (Oct 5th, 2020)
More government = less humanity (Oct 5th, 2020)
Decadent language (Oct 5th, 2020)
False words (Oct 2nd, 2020)
War is a racket (Sep 28th, 2020)
Just wars (Sep 28th, 2020)
Take off the mask (Sep 25th, 2020)
Politics and government (Sep 24th, 2020)
More laws for more control (Sep 23rd, 2020)
Is reality optional? (Sep 13th, 2020)
The problem of governments (Aug 28th, 2020)
If only they never did anything (Aug 28th, 2020)
The purpose of the Bill of Rights (Aug 27th, 2020)
Slavery for the masses (Aug 27th, 2020)
Control will and appetite (Aug 27th, 2020)
Building the new Internet (Aug 27th, 2020)
Act now to ensure your safety (Aug 27th, 2020)
Decent men needed (Aug 21st, 2020)
Vast left-wing conspiracy (Aug 9th, 2020)
The novelty of common sense (Aug 6th, 2020)
No right to self-defense, no peace (Aug 6th, 2020)
The truth about crime, race, and policing in America (Aug 3rd, 2020)
Government must serve everyone equally (Aug 3rd, 2020)
Responsible gun ownership (Aug 2nd, 2020)
Today’s corporate press (Jul 24th, 2020)
Artificial stupidity (Jul 17th, 2020)
Fight for your freedom (Jul 14th, 2020)
Centralization creates monsters out of men (Jul 14th, 2020)
You have to put in the work (Jul 13th, 2020)
Modern ‘progressivism’ (Jul 10th, 2020)
Independence through self-sufficiency (Jul 9th, 2020)
Boiling down ‘multiculturalism’ (Jul 6th, 2020)
Totalitarian liberals (Jul 4th, 2020)
The new racism (Jul 4th, 2020)
America welcomes free speech and free thought (Jul 4th, 2020)
Equally free and independent (Jul 3rd, 2020)
The haves and have-nots (Jul 1st, 2020)
Don’t let them take you alive (Jun 29th, 2020)
Government is not the solution (Jun 26th, 2020)
Give me truth (Jun 26th, 2020)
Where racial divisions lead (Jun 25th, 2020)
The Black Lives Matter movement is based on a lie (Jun 22nd, 2020)
Reparations (Jun 22nd, 2020)
Welfare dependence creates slaves (Jun 20th, 2020)
Socialism’s worst victims (Jun 20th, 2020)
One-sided representation (Jun 20th, 2020)
Low standards are not compassionate (Jun 20th, 2020)
Liberal racism (Jun 20th, 2020)
Helping themselves (Jun 20th, 2020)
‘White privilege’ is a dangerous conspiracy theory (Jun 17th, 2020)
Value your freedoms (Jun 17th, 2020)
Hate speech doesn’t exist. Stop legitimizing it (Jun 16th, 2020)
Here’s how to handle the situation in Seattle (Jun 15th, 2020)
Critical theory (Jun 12th, 2020)
Ultimate absurdity (Jun 11th, 2020)
Systemic violence (Jun 10th, 2020)
One-size-fits-all government (Jun 10th, 2020)
Democracy runs to anarchy (Jun 3rd, 2020)
Liberty is keeping what you have earned (May 25th, 2020)
Government efficiency (May 25th, 2020)
A time for choosing (May 25th, 2020)
Your vote is important (May 23rd, 2020)
Assault weapons (May 21st, 2020)
Don’t trust SJWs (May 19th, 2020)
What is this liberty? (May 18th, 2020)
The oldest fraud (May 18th, 2020)
How demagogues work (May 18th, 2020)
Freedom (May 18th, 2020)
Who is non-essential? (May 17th, 2020)
The law vs fads (May 17th, 2020)
The good and the bad (May 17th, 2020)
The George Soros factor (May 17th, 2020)
Sanity needed (May 17th, 2020)
Prosperity through amnesty (May 17th, 2020)
Guns are our friends (May 17th, 2020)
Government as the extension of the self (May 17th, 2020)
Build the wall or get out of the way (May 17th, 2020)
The Seven Deadly Blunders (May 15th, 2020)
The best argument for small government (May 15th, 2020)
Resisting depotism (May 13th, 2020)
True patriotism (May 7th, 2020)
Trading down (May 3rd, 2020)
The ignorance of the educated (May 3rd, 2020)
The misfortune of government (Apr 17th, 2020)
Allow no one to endanger liberty (Apr 17th, 2020)
The pretense of caring (Apr 16th, 2020)
More power means more abuse of power (Apr 16th, 2020)
How power corrodes (Apr 16th, 2020)
Better in every way (Apr 16th, 2020)
Don’t conflate capitalism and corporatism (Apr 10th, 2020)
How to ensure your freedom (Apr 9th, 2020)
Democracy’s problem (Apr 9th, 2020)
May sound good, but it doesn’t work (Apr 8th, 2020)
Manipulation through hate-crime hoaxes (Apr 8th, 2020)
Virtue signalling (Apr 7th, 2020)
Self-affirming negativity (Apr 4th, 2020)
Ensure liberty by keeping government small (Mar 31st, 2020)
Totalitarian democracy (Mar 26th, 2020)
Encouraged by inequality (Mar 23rd, 2020)
Property rights = freedom (Mar 21st, 2020)
It’s good to be the government (Mar 21st, 2020)
The big lie (Mar 20th, 2020)
The standard crisis response (Mar 18th, 2020)
Don’t fear the truth (Mar 18th, 2020)
Traitors (Mar 16th, 2020)
Spreading poverty (Mar 16th, 2020)
Socialism is a system that invites abuse (Mar 16th, 2020)
Our only threat comes from within (Mar 16th, 2020)
‘Equality’ lowers everyone (Mar 16th, 2020)
Civil rights and equality (Mar 16th, 2020)
Get informed (Mar 10th, 2020)
Envy cannot be our master (Mar 10th, 2020)
On assault weapons and hate speech (Mar 8th, 2020)
Freedom is precarious (Feb 20th, 2020)
When politicians pass laws (Feb 11th, 2020)
Don’t hand over your powers (Feb 11th, 2020)
Taxation = theft (Feb 9th, 2020)
Only one way (Jan 29th, 2020)
There can be no compromise (Jan 29th, 2020)
Changing climate change (Jan 28th, 2020)
Denying reality (Jan 27th, 2020)
Debasement as compassion (Jan 27th, 2020)
Becoming American (Jan 27th, 2020)
Actors and politics (Jan 27th, 2020)
The goal (Jan 21st, 2020)
Don’t be talked out of your liberties (Jan 21st, 2020)
Democracy as a stratagem (Jan 19th, 2020)
Demagogues and bureaucrats (Jan 19th, 2020)
Closet capitalists (Jan 19th, 2020)
Politics as religion (Jan 15th, 2020)
Democracy leads to tyranny (Jan 8th, 2020)
Courage (Dec 24th, 2019)
Death by fiat currency (Dec 20th, 2019)
Don’t engage in ‘legal’ plunder (Dec 19th, 2019)
Letter from President Donald J. Trump to the Speaker of the House of Representatives (Dec 17th, 2019)
Virtue signalling (Dec 12th, 2019)
Thanksgiving (Dec 12th, 2019)
Our tax system (Dec 12th, 2019)
The nature of socialism (Dec 5th, 2019)
When paper money crashes (Nov 18th, 2019)
The effect of paper money (Nov 18th, 2019)
Paper money cheats the common man (Nov 18th, 2019)
No such thing as responsible paper money management (Nov 18th, 2019)
Liable to abuse (Nov 18th, 2019)
History of disaster (Nov 18th, 2019)
Gold is a currency (Nov 18th, 2019)
Activism (Nov 18th, 2019)
Abuses of paper money (Nov 18th, 2019)
Toxic femininity (Nov 11th, 2019)
That which belongs to everyone belongs to no one (Nov 11th, 2019)
Progressive ideas (Nov 10th, 2019)
Cooperation vs. force (Nov 2nd, 2019)
Choose freedom (Oct 30th, 2019)
The Bill of Rights (Oct 17th, 2019)
The assault on Christianity (Oct 13th, 2019)
Tearing down instead of building up (Oct 13th, 2019)
The future belongs to patriots (Oct 1st, 2019)
Recipe for catastrophe (Oct 1st, 2019)
Character matters (Oct 1st, 2019)
The changing role of schools (Sep 25th, 2019)
‘Social justice’ leads to despotism (Sep 25th, 2019)
Fantasyland (Sep 25th, 2019)
Equal treatment for all (Sep 25th, 2019)
Educated into ignorance (Sep 25th, 2019)
Modern ‘progressives’ (Sep 21st, 2019)
The people are masters (Sep 18th, 2019)
Beware the technocracy (Sep 18th, 2019)
No compromise with evil (Sep 17th, 2019)
The free market and national wealth (Aug 31st, 2019)
How communism will come to America (Aug 17th, 2019)
The religion of democracy (Aug 7th, 2019)
Hold onto the Constitution (Jul 26th, 2019)
Virtue: Public and private (Jul 22nd, 2019)
Evils from democracy (Jul 22nd, 2019)
Our growing cultural deviancy (Jul 17th, 2019)
Economics for Dummies (Jul 13th, 2019)
Master and servant (Jul 12th, 2019)
There is no ‘we’ without ‘I’ (Jul 2nd, 2019)
Too much of a bad thing (Jun 27th, 2019)
Observations from an indignant millennial (Jun 24th, 2019)
Oppression destroys society (Jun 12th, 2019)
Here and there (Jun 12th, 2019)
The politics of envy (Jun 3rd, 2019)
In the name of liberalism (May 24th, 2019)
Fascism in America (May 24th, 2019)
Unconstitutional Congressional redistribution (May 23rd, 2019)
Cut from the same cloth (May 23rd, 2019)
The free market limits oppression (May 20th, 2019)
How socialism becomes fascism (May 20th, 2019)
Socialism must be voluntary (May 13th, 2019)
Labor is not the source of wealth (May 13th, 2019)
Pausing immigration to rid newcomers of foreign attachments (May 11th, 2019)
Indiscriminate immigration endangers the Union (May 9th, 2019)
The threat of open borders (May 8th, 2019)
Strict immigration laws protect our nation (May 8th, 2019)
New arrivals must support our Constitution (May 8th, 2019)
We must teach and appreciate American exceptionalism (Apr 30th, 2019)
Our only reliable guide (Apr 10th, 2019)
Why does the state exist? (Apr 1st, 2019)
The burden of government (Apr 1st, 2019)
The single biggest intrusion (Mar 28th, 2019)
The first task of government (Mar 28th, 2019)
Summary and conclusions from the Mueller Report (Mar 24th, 2019)
Subsidies (Mar 20th, 2019)
Servitude (Mar 19th, 2019)
Protect us from force and fraud (Mar 11th, 2019)
Exercise your rights (Mar 11th, 2019)
Advances come from free men (Mar 9th, 2019)
Violence by proxy (Mar 7th, 2019)
CPAC at the Bridge (Mar 1st, 2019)
Exercise your rights (Feb 25th, 2019)
What’s the difference? (Feb 6th, 2019)
The people, authority, and responsibility (Jan 29th, 2019)
What our Federal government should be (Jan 28th, 2019)
Democracy vs. liberty (Jan 24th, 2019)
Our wars must advance our interests (Jan 20th, 2019)
Lead by example (Jan 20th, 2019)
America’s welfare first (Jan 20th, 2019)
The urge to censor (Jan 18th, 2019)
Who’s responsible? (Jan 16th, 2019)
Limit corruption by limiting government (Jan 15th, 2019)
False compassion (Jan 15th, 2019)
Humility before wisdom (Jan 10th, 2019)
Familiarity vs. knowledge (Jan 10th, 2019)
Society’s strength (Dec 27th, 2018)
Complete education (Dec 22nd, 2018)
Invisible truths (Dec 19th, 2018)
Freedom and restraint (Dec 17th, 2018)
Our current madness (Dec 11th, 2018)
Limits on presidential power (Dec 10th, 2018)
A life worth living (Nov 29th, 2018)
Addicted to power (Nov 19th, 2018)
Protecting the future (Nov 18th, 2018)
The Constitution protects minorities (Nov 15th, 2018)
The root of democracy (Nov 12th, 2018)
Democracy equals brute force (Nov 9th, 2018)
Power to the people? (Nov 5th, 2018)
Zero-sum socialism (Nov 1st, 2018)
What government must to do be considered legitimate (Nov 1st, 2018)
Tunnel vision (Nov 1st, 2018)
True justice depends on true liberty (Nov 1st, 2018)
True equality (Nov 1st, 2018)
The greatest inequality (Nov 1st, 2018)
Stop penalizing the productive (Nov 1st, 2018)
Selective improvement (Nov 1st, 2018)
Producers must have rights (Nov 1st, 2018)
Liberty for all (Nov 1st, 2018)
Keep your eye on the prize (Nov 1st, 2018)
Getting back on the road to liberty (Nov 1st, 2018)
Freedom from parasites (Nov 1st, 2018)
Freedom from government-imposed burdens (Nov 1st, 2018)
Error vs. reason (Oct 15th, 2018)
Two means of survival (Oct 12th, 2018)
Rejecting ‘equality of outcome’ (Oct 4th, 2018)
Consider the source (Sep 20th, 2018)
Complete failure (Sep 10th, 2018)
State PR (Sep 7th, 2018)
Freedom vs. responsibility (Sep 7th, 2018)
Equality and liberty (Sep 3rd, 2018)
Socialist ‘economics’ (Aug 14th, 2018)
We have to work to preserve freedom (Aug 7th, 2018)
Slavery vs. the welfare state (Aug 7th, 2018)
Life support for racism (Jul 29th, 2018)
Comparative greeds (Jul 29th, 2018)
In America, the citizen is sovereign (Jul 14th, 2018)
Protect the Constitution (Jul 12th, 2018)
Preferring the ‘other’ (Jul 5th, 2018)
Much ado about caring (Jun 30th, 2018)
If you see something, say something (May 30th, 2018)
The first ten Amendments (Apr 23rd, 2018)
Politicians and pickpockets (Apr 23rd, 2018)
The first step in saving our liberty (Apr 5th, 2018)
Proud to be un-American (Apr 3rd, 2018)
Persistence (Mar 25th, 2018)
No legal plunder (Mar 9th, 2018)
Why import foreign criminals? (Mar 8th, 2018)
We need facts about immigrant crime (Mar 8th, 2018)
Post-welfare-state immigration (Mar 8th, 2018)
Mass immigration means giving up our rights and freedoms (Mar 8th, 2018)
Immigration diversity (Mar 8th, 2018)
Diversity: That culture you risked your life to flee from (Mar 8th, 2018)
Darfur is the natural state of the world (Mar 8th, 2018)
A nation of immigrants is not a nation (Mar 8th, 2018)
Limiting our liberties (Mar 1st, 2018)
If we lose control of immigration (Feb 22nd, 2018)
Thoughts vs. actions (Feb 20th, 2018)
White slavery vs. black slavery (Feb 19th, 2018)
Which shall govern? (Feb 8th, 2018)
Origins of the Federal Reserve (Feb 7th, 2018)
Government vs. the people (Feb 3rd, 2018)
Fiat currencies allow government theft (Jan 30th, 2018)
Debt ends liberty (Jan 30th, 2018)
Centralized power (Jan 30th, 2018)
Socialism and Marxism (Jan 23rd, 2018)
Freedom vs. power (Jan 17th, 2018)
Academic diversity (Jan 17th, 2018)
When they’re out of power they’re just funny (Jan 16th, 2018)
It happens every year (Jan 15th, 2018)
Intelligence (Jan 12th, 2018)
Destroying our protections (Jan 11th, 2018)
Modern ‘diversity’ (Jan 9th, 2018)
Politicians vs. free market capitalism (Dec 19th, 2017)
Time-binding (Dec 6th, 2017)
The camel’s nose under the tent (Nov 20th, 2017)
Losses under totalitarianism (Nov 20th, 2017)
Our 1.5-party system (Nov 17th, 2017)
Government altruism (Nov 17th, 2017)
What free speech is (Nov 14th, 2017)
The importance of free speech (Nov 13th, 2017)
The U.S. has no reliable Islamic allies (Nov 4th, 2017)
Why does socialism endure? (Oct 29th, 2017)
The enemy is the State (Oct 25th, 2017)
The American nation (Oct 25th, 2017)
Equality through freedom (Oct 25th, 2017)
Civilization or barbarism (Oct 25th, 2017)
Academics’ undermining of America (Oct 25th, 2017)
Political promises (Oct 16th, 2017)
Scientific authority (Oct 13th, 2017)
Behold our betters (Oct 12th, 2017)
Hollywood vs. DC (Oct 9th, 2017)
Government health care (Oct 9th, 2017)
Americans need to be well armed (Oct 9th, 2017)
Minority rule (Oct 2nd, 2017)
Honesty in government (Sep 20th, 2017)
Violence vs. truth (Sep 19th, 2017)
Might vs. justice (Sep 19th, 2017)
Freedom is the absence of force (Sep 19th, 2017)
Illegal immigration is wrong (Sep 9th, 2017)
Clear message to illegal aliens (Sep 9th, 2017)
The Constitution is the benchmark (Sep 8th, 2017)
The Harrison Bergeron effect (Sep 1st, 2017)
Tenth Amendment (Aug 30th, 2017)
Legislative priorities (Aug 29th, 2017)
White supremacy (Aug 28th, 2017)
The pretext of ‘necessity’ (Aug 28th, 2017)
The pretext of ‘emergency’ (Aug 28th, 2017)
Economic power vs. political power (Aug 26th, 2017)
The growth of the General Welfare and Commerce clauses (Aug 23rd, 2017)
Limits on general welfare (Aug 23rd, 2017)
Built-in excess (Aug 15th, 2017)
Right-sizing government (Aug 9th, 2017)
There is a difference (Aug 1st, 2017)
Source of affluence (Jul 31st, 2017)
Progressive fascism (Jul 31st, 2017)
The Rolls Royce fallacy (Jul 28th, 2017)
Freedom from black-robed demagogues (Jul 26th, 2017)
American isolationism (Jul 21st, 2017)
Past, present, and future (Jul 14th, 2017)
True freedom (Jul 13th, 2017)
Avoiding barbarism (Jul 11th, 2017)
Free society (Jul 10th, 2017)
Real motives (Jul 2nd, 2017)
What is a ‘fair share’? (Jun 25th, 2017)
Watch your ‘leaders’ (Jun 25th, 2017)
Usurping our sovereignty (Jun 25th, 2017)
Descent into monarchy (Jun 25th, 2017)
Government power (Jun 22nd, 2017)
The importance of private property rights (Jun 19th, 2017)
Peace through freedom (Jun 19th, 2017)
The greatest threat to individual liberty (Jun 15th, 2017)
Prohibition law (Jun 13th, 2017)
Prohibition destroys civil rights (Jun 13th, 2017)
Centralization of powers (Jun 11th, 2017)
One-world governance vs. the Constitution (Jun 3rd, 2017)
Dysgenics (May 29th, 2017)
Regressive progressives (May 26th, 2017)
Limit government to governing (May 26th, 2017)
Government vs. industry (May 26th, 2017)
Authority without responsibility (May 26th, 2017)
Political correctness vs. Western civilization (May 25th, 2017)
The growth of centralized government (May 23rd, 2017)
The blessing of small government (May 23rd, 2017)
The American War for Independence (May 23rd, 2017)
Spending other people’s money (May 23rd, 2017)
Need, greed, and compassion (May 23rd, 2017)
Government only supports losers (May 23rd, 2017)
Formula for prosperity (May 23rd, 2017)
False prosperity (May 23rd, 2017)
The price of utopia is freedom (May 20th, 2017)
Everybody knows (May 19th, 2017)
Press must be impartial and accurate (May 18th, 2017)
Knowledge is key for liberty (May 18th, 2017)
Taking Western civilization for granted (May 17th, 2017)
What every principal should tell his students (May 10th, 2017)
What economists do (May 10th, 2017)
Federal interference in education (May 8th, 2017)
The basis of our republic (Apr 26th, 2017)
Enslaved by false freedom (Apr 6th, 2017)
Power in high places (Mar 29th, 2017)
Preserving freedom (Mar 27th, 2017)
Gradual losses (Mar 23rd, 2017)
Media bias regarding climate change (Mar 20th, 2017)
Defining political correctness (Mar 20th, 2017)
Societal de-evolution (Mar 17th, 2017)
Democracy is a threat to the American republic (Mar 15th, 2017)
Why weren’t guns behaving violently 100 years ago? (Mar 14th, 2017)
Their way or the highway (Mar 14th, 2017)
Liberty is not for wimps (Mar 14th, 2017)
The nature of laws (Mar 13th, 2017)
Communism vs. socialism (Mar 5th, 2017)
Importance of an informed electorate (Mar 1st, 2017)
Globalist hypocrisy (Feb 28th, 2017)
Demographics and crime (Feb 28th, 2017)
Wanton destruction (Feb 17th, 2017)
Rationality and justice (Feb 16th, 2017)
Competence in government (Feb 16th, 2017)
Leftist sadism (Feb 8th, 2017)
Inside progressivism (Feb 8th, 2017)
Illegal immigration (Feb 8th, 2017)
The Great Depression (Feb 6th, 2017)
Willful ignorance (Feb 5th, 2017)
Super humans (Jan 18th, 2017)
Keep it simple (Jan 18th, 2017)
Immoral morality of the elites (Jan 18th, 2017)
Uniformity (Dec 30th, 2016)
Being successful in America (Dec 30th, 2016)
A more American conservatism (Dec 27th, 2016)
Weapon of choice (Dec 21st, 2016)
Preconceived notions (Dec 21st, 2016)
The threat to the American Dream (Dec 18th, 2016)
Social Security Trust Fund (Dec 18th, 2016)
Capitalism vs. bureaucracy (Dec 18th, 2016)
A certain spark of truth (Dec 5th, 2016)
Douglas on the First Amendment (Dec 1st, 2016)
Authority and responsibility (Nov 30th, 2016)
Because not everyone likes prison (Nov 28th, 2016)
The importance of manners (Nov 10th, 2016)
Arms and the man (Nov 10th, 2016)
Damaging effect of vote fraud (Nov 9th, 2016)
Liberty and the press (Nov 8th, 2016)
Hating the truth (Nov 7th, 2016)
Skepticism needed (Nov 1st, 2016)
Appropriate form of government (Oct 31st, 2016)
Crimes of ego (Oct 30th, 2016)
Entangling alliances (Oct 25th, 2016)
The fundamentals (Oct 24th, 2016)
Ethnic studies (Oct 24th, 2016)
The importance of the rule of law (Oct 22nd, 2016)
The crossroads in our history (Oct 13th, 2016)
Frankness, honesty, and courage (Oct 13th, 2016)
We get to pick and choose (Oct 7th, 2016)
Reverse discrimination (Oct 7th, 2016)
Progressive policies make the rich richer (Oct 5th, 2016)
No time for political correctness (Oct 5th, 2016)
Global tides (Oct 5th, 2016)
Foreign entanglements … modern version (Oct 5th, 2016)
Border watch (Oct 5th, 2016)
Scrutinize government (Sep 29th, 2016)
Blacks don’t need these ‘favors’ (Sep 27th, 2016)
Growth of illegitimate government (Sep 26th, 2016)
The need for good leaders (Sep 21st, 2016)
The chains of tyrants (Sep 21st, 2016)
Disadvantage on campus (Sep 21st, 2016)
Unintended consequences (Sep 19th, 2016)
Mission creep (Sep 19th, 2016)
Most important number in the immigration debate (Sep 18th, 2016)
Republican form of government (Sep 15th, 2016)
Communists and anti-Communists (Sep 13th, 2016)
‘Yes, immigration hurts American workers’ (Sep 12th, 2016)
Taxes under socialism (Sep 9th, 2016)
Democracy equals mob rule (Sep 9th, 2016)
The beginning of all freedom (Sep 8th, 2016)
Politicians and money (Sep 4th, 2016)
Censorship (Sep 2nd, 2016)
Dumbing down higher education (Aug 30th, 2016)
Liberty under democracies (Aug 26th, 2016)
Transparency (Aug 15th, 2016)
Question everything (Aug 15th, 2016)
Prohibition (Aug 12th, 2016)
Hope and change (Aug 12th, 2016)
True tax reform (Aug 4th, 2016)
Why borders? (Aug 1st, 2016)
Western civilization (Jul 25th, 2016)
Separation of powers (Jun 22nd, 2016)
Never let a good crisis go to waste (Jun 21st, 2016)
Defense as a duty (Jun 16th, 2016)
Breeding ground for tyrants (Jun 16th, 2016)
From democracy to anarchy (Jun 13th, 2016)
Science in the service of globalism (Jun 10th, 2016)
No incentives in socialism (Jun 10th, 2016)
Equal treatment under the law (Jun 6th, 2016)
Socialism destroys the human spirit (Jun 3rd, 2016)
Legitimate concerns (May 31st, 2016)
Destroying liberties (May 31st, 2016)
No loving care from the government (May 30th, 2016)
A fatal tendency of mankind (May 30th, 2016)
Combating socialism with socialism (May 26th, 2016)
Remaining free (May 23rd, 2016)
Political ‘compassion’ (May 23rd, 2016)
No unilateral military actions (May 23rd, 2016)
Socialism despoils (May 20th, 2016)
No freedom in socialism (May 19th, 2016)
Black privilege (May 13th, 2016)
Loss of American liberties (May 12th, 2016)
The best and brightest (May 11th, 2016)
Man must be bigger than the state (May 10th, 2016)
State welfare: Cui bono? (May 5th, 2016)
Sliding into servitude (May 4th, 2016)
Favoring limits on freedom (May 4th, 2016)
You get what you reward (May 2nd, 2016)
Do not condemn what you have never seen (Apr 29th, 2016)
Murdering the American social contract (Apr 27th, 2016)
The problem with politics (Apr 24th, 2016)
The two faces of multiculturalism (Mar 26th, 2016)
The primacy of the individual (Mar 21st, 2016)
Gun control is just one step (Mar 14th, 2016)
Difference between socialism and fascism (Mar 14th, 2016)
Why we fight (Mar 9th, 2016)
Nature of liberty (Mar 9th, 2016)
Wise governance (Mar 7th, 2016)
The cost of good intentions (Mar 7th, 2016)
Immigration policy (Mar 7th, 2016)
Opposites: Force and reason (Mar 4th, 2016)
Equality vs. liberty (Mar 3rd, 2016)
The de-evolution of schooling (Mar 2nd, 2016)
Government and social constructs (Mar 1st, 2016)
The importance of private property (Feb 29th, 2016)
How to crush the middle class (Feb 23rd, 2016)
The State as the supreme diety (Feb 22nd, 2016)
The greatest dangers to liberty (Feb 22nd, 2016)
Socialism: Less power, less money for the people (Feb 22nd, 2016)
Leftist political strategy (Feb 22nd, 2016)
Human chattel (Feb 22nd, 2016)
The mirage of social justice (Feb 19th, 2016)
Golden Rule of citizenship (Feb 18th, 2016)
The socialism continuum (Feb 17th, 2016)
The song of the tyrant (Feb 16th, 2016)
From freedom to tyranny (Feb 15th, 2016)
Society does not equal the State (Feb 12th, 2016)
Power seekers (Feb 12th, 2016)
Hard money (Feb 8th, 2016)
Welfare for businesses (Feb 5th, 2016)
Might doesn’t make right (Feb 4th, 2016)
Government incompetence and corruption (Feb 3rd, 2016)
Hidden taxation (Feb 1st, 2016)
Government plundering (Feb 1st, 2016)
Destruction through inflation (Feb 1st, 2016)
Black lies matter (Jan 27th, 2016)
The bare minimum (Jan 22nd, 2016)
Nothing worse (Jan 18th, 2016)
Invade the world, invite the world, investigate the world (Jan 16th, 2016)
Patriotic obligation (Jan 12th, 2016)
Pro-gun gun control (Jan 9th, 2016)
Disarming the law-abiding (Jan 6th, 2016)
Pacifism (Jan 2nd, 2016)
The legacy of the Civil War (Dec 31st, 2015)
Minute Men needed (Dec 28th, 2015)
Liberty is innate (Dec 28th, 2015)
Good intentions (Dec 28th, 2015)
Limited government (Dec 24th, 2015)
Exercise your rights (Dec 16th, 2015)
Observance and enforcement (Dec 15th, 2015)
Individual self defense (Dec 12th, 2015)
Freedom vs. security (Dec 10th, 2015)
False alternatives to liberty (Dec 9th, 2015)
Rational law (Dec 8th, 2015)
The power of the free market (Dec 7th, 2015)
‘Freedom’ does not define democracy (Dec 7th, 2015)
Democracy enslaves (Dec 7th, 2015)
The source of all true wealth is the farm (Dec 6th, 2015)
No substitute for work (Dec 6th, 2015)
If you don’t work, neither should you eat (Dec 6th, 2015)
How to earn dignity (Dec 6th, 2015)
The wants and the want-nots (Dec 3rd, 2015)
Defining ‘politics’ (Dec 3rd, 2015)
The false premise of democracy (Dec 1st, 2015)
Forms of tyranny (Dec 1st, 2015)
Stop arbitrary power cold (Nov 30th, 2015)
Secondary agenda (Nov 30th, 2015)
Rebellious minorities (Nov 18th, 2015)
Victims of the war on poverty (Nov 12th, 2015)
Keeping bureaucrats honest (Nov 11th, 2015)
Vote for freedom (Nov 10th, 2015)
Legalizing theft (Nov 10th, 2015)
Government abuse of power (Nov 10th, 2015)
The Constitution stops democracy (Nov 9th, 2015)
Other views (Nov 9th, 2015)
Greek democracy (Nov 9th, 2015)
A depraved taste for equality (Nov 9th, 2015)
From republic to democracy (Nov 6th, 2015)
Bureaucrats (Nov 5th, 2015)
Gun control (Nov 2nd, 2015)
Mind control (Oct 28th, 2015)
Inflation equals theft (Oct 16th, 2015)
Controlling government (Oct 15th, 2015)
Laws needed to protect liberty (Oct 12th, 2015)
Mismanagement shown by debts and taxes (Oct 7th, 2015)
Economical numbers (Oct 7th, 2015)
Public debt (Oct 6th, 2015)
Destroy civilization by first destroying the money (Oct 2nd, 2015)
Explaining poverty (Sep 26th, 2015)
About the Federal Reserve (Sep 26th, 2015)
Fighting the central bank (Sep 21st, 2015)
Freedom vs. the state (Sep 17th, 2015)
The basis for advancement (Sep 16th, 2015)
What is profit? (Sep 15th, 2015)
Is capitalism moral? (Sep 15th, 2015)
The case for sound currency (Sep 11th, 2015)
The fruits of democracy (Sep 6th, 2015)
Freedom of commerce (Sep 6th, 2015)
Deficit spending (Sep 6th, 2015)
The equality of socialism (Sep 4th, 2015)
Think border walls don’t work? (Sep 3rd, 2015)
Climate change and political power (Sep 3rd, 2015)
Currency duties (Sep 1st, 2015)
Point of view (Aug 28th, 2015)
Excess taxation (Aug 27th, 2015)
Lenin was correct (Aug 24th, 2015)
Paper money not legal (Aug 20th, 2015)
Switching places (Aug 18th, 2015)
True world leadership (Aug 12th, 2015)
Conduct with other nations (Aug 12th, 2015)
Government adventurism (Aug 11th, 2015)
The ‘gateway’ state (Aug 6th, 2015)
The statist objective (Aug 6th, 2015)
Murder or suicide (Aug 6th, 2015)
Enemies of the people (Aug 6th, 2015)
Acquiescence or action (Aug 6th, 2015)
Unconstitutional appropriations (Aug 4th, 2015)
The deity of the State (Aug 4th, 2015)
The antithesis of fanaticism (Aug 4th, 2015)
Liberal paradise (Jul 27th, 2015)
Virtue and freedom (Jul 26th, 2015)
The militia is the people (Jul 21st, 2015)
Public sector vs. private (Jul 17th, 2015)
Defining science (Jul 15th, 2015)
Planning your work, and working your plan (Jul 14th, 2015)
Expansion and collapse (Jul 13th, 2015)
Formula for tyranny (Jul 12th, 2015)
Challenging the separation of powers (Jul 12th, 2015)
The best system yet (Jul 11th, 2015)
Productivity through freedom (Jul 10th, 2015)
Ask not (Jul 6th, 2015)
Unnecessary taxes (Jun 30th, 2015)
Not in the Constitution? Not legal. (Jun 30th, 2015)
Country vs. government (Jun 29th, 2015)
The grant of liberty (Jun 28th, 2015)
The American whey (Jun 2nd, 2015)
Clues to the immigrant crime wave (Jun 1st, 2015)
Equality before the law (May 19th, 2015)
Circumstances (May 11th, 2015)
How to limit government? (May 9th, 2015)
Dependency on handouts (May 9th, 2015)
Cost of liberty (May 9th, 2015)
Think for yourself (May 7th, 2015)
Losing liberty (May 7th, 2015)
Freedom and responsibility (May 7th, 2015)
Foreigners vs. Americans (May 7th, 2015)
Autarky (May 5th, 2015)
Majority makes right? (May 4th, 2015)
The government is not the country (Apr 27th, 2015)
Benefits of diversity? (Apr 26th, 2015)
Fighting evil (Apr 25th, 2015)
Bad reputation (Apr 25th, 2015)
Freedom and responsibility (Apr 24th, 2015)
Freedom of speech and association (Apr 22nd, 2015)
Fight for Western values (Apr 20th, 2015)
Self governance (Apr 16th, 2015)
Why republics fall (Apr 15th, 2015)
Why a republic? (Apr 15th, 2015)
The ills of democracy (Apr 15th, 2015)
The basis for republicanism (Apr 15th, 2015)
Power demands submission (Apr 15th, 2015)
Minority rights (Apr 15th, 2015)
Long live the republic (Apr 15th, 2015)
Founded on liberty (Apr 15th, 2015)
Democracy’s inevitable end (Apr 15th, 2015)
These things I believe (Apr 8th, 2015)
The law of the land (Apr 3rd, 2015)
Choosing serfdom (Apr 3rd, 2015)
The tyranny of majority rule (Mar 31st, 2015)
The primacy of the individual (Mar 31st, 2015)
Absolute power does not exist (Mar 31st, 2015)
A republic, not a democracy (Mar 31st, 2015)
Jettison the empire to save the republic (Mar 30th, 2015)
Equality under the law (Mar 28th, 2015)
Dishonesty is the default (Mar 28th, 2015)
Total control (Mar 23rd, 2015)
Honesty in office is paramount (Mar 23rd, 2015)
Ending racism (Mar 23rd, 2015)
Not a democracy (Mar 22nd, 2015)
Democracy detested (Mar 22nd, 2015)
Degeneracy in the populace kills freedom (Mar 21st, 2015)
Causes of downfall (Mar 21st, 2015)
Lawlessness breeds more lawlessness (Mar 20th, 2015)
Power to the people? (Mar 18th, 2015)
Minimum-wage laws (Mar 18th, 2015)
Why government grows (Mar 16th, 2015)
Morality of taxation (Mar 16th, 2015)
Ultimate freedom (Mar 12th, 2015)
Self defense (Mar 9th, 2015)
The tyranny of the masses (Mar 6th, 2015)
From democracy to anarchy to subjugation (Mar 6th, 2015)
Preserve the rule of law (Feb 25th, 2015)
Education benchmarks (Feb 23rd, 2015)
They chose freedom (Feb 19th, 2015)
Learning (Feb 19th, 2015)
The progressive mindset (Feb 16th, 2015)
Islam and the West (Feb 15th, 2015)
Socialism in a nutshell (Feb 11th, 2015)
White privilege (Feb 5th, 2015)
Small-minded rulers (Feb 5th, 2015)
Dystrophy (Jan 29th, 2015)
Of the people, by the people, and for the people (Jan 28th, 2015)
Reversing Muslim immigration (Jan 23rd, 2015)
Borrowing from those we protect (Jan 21st, 2015)
Laws must apply to all (Jan 8th, 2015)
A formula for never-ending strife (Jan 6th, 2015)
Purpose of just laws (Dec 31st, 2014)
Federal forces (Dec 30th, 2014)
Corruption in government (Dec 19th, 2014)
How democracy commits suicide (Dec 17th, 2014)
Adopting socialism (Dec 16th, 2014)
Tenth Commandment (Dec 15th, 2014)
Truth needs no law (Dec 12th, 2014)
The greatest danger to liberty (Dec 12th, 2014)
The cost of socialism (Dec 12th, 2014)
Sheepthink (Dec 10th, 2014)
Sheep and wolves (Dec 10th, 2014)
Equality vs. freedom (Dec 10th, 2014)
Cheaper than ever (Dec 10th, 2014)
Western civilization vs. the others (Dec 8th, 2014)
Man exists for himself (Dec 8th, 2014)
If white America were racist (Dec 8th, 2014)
Beware the do-gooder (Dec 8th, 2014)
The core of liberalism (Dec 7th, 2014)
The danger of state intervention (Dec 5th, 2014)
Socialism involves slavery (Dec 5th, 2014)
Humans as objects of the state (Dec 5th, 2014)
It’s the result, not the intention (Dec 4th, 2014)
Why we have wars (Dec 3rd, 2014)
Truth vs. lies (Dec 3rd, 2014)
Truth can be revolutionary (Dec 3rd, 2014)
Secular religion (Dec 3rd, 2014)
Politics are everywhere (Dec 3rd, 2014)
Munchausen by Proxy Syndrome (Dec 3rd, 2014)
Loss of freedom means loss of rights (Dec 3rd, 2014)
Cheerleading for war (Dec 3rd, 2014)
Ordained to rule (Dec 1st, 2014)
The urge to centralize (Nov 28th, 2014)
The pillar of the state (Nov 26th, 2014)
Federal intervention (Nov 24th, 2014)
Unenlightened self-interest (Oct 30th, 2014)
The election cycle (Oct 28th, 2014)
No change, no hope. (Oct 28th, 2014)
Dealing with inequality (Oct 27th, 2014)
Misunderstanding the free market (Oct 10th, 2014)
Clear as mud (Sep 26th, 2014)
A plea for Constitutional literacy on Constitution Day (Sep 17th, 2014)
Government intervention (Sep 15th, 2014)
Knowing is not enough (Sep 13th, 2014)
End the Fed (Sep 11th, 2014)
Racists in high places (Sep 4th, 2014)
Economic independence (Sep 2nd, 2014)
Speed is no justification (Aug 28th, 2014)
Power doesn’t equal greatness (Aug 28th, 2014)
Losing the branches of our government (Aug 28th, 2014)
Small government (Aug 27th, 2014)
Liberty is up to us (Aug 25th, 2014)
Needs are not rights (Aug 20th, 2014)
Extending police power (Aug 20th, 2014)
Deterioration of government (Aug 20th, 2014)
Black racism is politically correct (Aug 19th, 2014)
The militia protects our rights and liberties (Aug 18th, 2014)
Subverting the will of the electorate (Aug 18th, 2014)
Creating a racial divide (Aug 17th, 2014)
Thank you, Christian white men (Aug 4th, 2014)
Black political standards (Jul 30th, 2014)
Racial preferences forever (Jul 22nd, 2014)
Talk (Jul 16th, 2014)
Freedom of speech (Jul 14th, 2014)
U.S. cannot be the universal sanctuary (Jul 11th, 2014)
Secure the border once and for all (Jul 11th, 2014)
Work vs. welfare (Jul 4th, 2014)
Declaration of independence (Jul 3rd, 2014)
The importance of natural born citizens (Jul 1st, 2014)
Securing our borders (Jul 1st, 2014)
Gun control is not about guns or crime (Jun 30th, 2014)
The Obama solution to illegal immigration (Jun 17th, 2014)
Our immigration system is broken (Jun 15th, 2014)
We believe … (Jun 12th, 2014)
It starts with the centralization of power (Jun 12th, 2014)
I checked my privilege, and it’s just fine (Jun 12th, 2014)
Dereliction of Congress (Jun 3rd, 2014)
Challenging the orthodoxy (May 28th, 2014)
Temporary government programs (May 26th, 2014)
Greed (May 26th, 2014)
Thought crimes (May 20th, 2014)
The individual vs. the group (May 19th, 2014)
I considered myself a liberal … (May 13th, 2014)
Seeing the obvious (May 8th, 2014)
Discovering truths (May 8th, 2014)
Global warming (May 7th, 2014)
How low we’ve sunk (May 5th, 2014)
Gold, silver, barter, and debt (May 5th, 2014)
Culture in a tailspin (May 5th, 2014)
When the boom becomes a bust (Apr 30th, 2014)
Infinite growth in a finite system (Apr 30th, 2014)
Who rules you (Apr 28th, 2014)
The insidious wiles of foreign influence (Apr 24th, 2014)
Government responsibility (Apr 24th, 2014)
Products of freedom (Apr 22nd, 2014)
Six rules for liberty (Apr 19th, 2014)
The new racism (Apr 17th, 2014)
Conscience vs rights (Apr 14th, 2014)
The American ideal (Apr 13th, 2014)
Opinion vs. facts (Apr 13th, 2014)
Collectivist promised (Apr 13th, 2014)
The totalitarian principle (Apr 11th, 2014)
The corrosive effect of welfare (Apr 9th, 2014)
The fatal conceit of centralized power (Apr 3rd, 2014)
Timeless Second Amendment (Mar 12th, 2014)
Bad precedents (Feb 6th, 2014)
Property must be protected (Feb 5th, 2014)
American unity (Feb 3rd, 2014)
Violating their oaths (Jan 27th, 2014)
Slouching toward socialism (Jan 26th, 2014)
The fatter the government, the skinnier the people (Jan 22nd, 2014)
Legacy of lawlessness (Jan 22nd, 2014)
An imperial, lawless president (Jan 17th, 2014)
Real purpose of the 2nd Amendment (Jan 14th, 2014)
Laws and morals (Jan 9th, 2014)
Language must be correct (Dec 26th, 2013)
Immigration reform (Dec 22nd, 2013)
The thirteen States (Dec 19th, 2013)
People get the government they tolerate (Dec 19th, 2013)
Liberalism is suicide (Dec 19th, 2013)
Corrupt politicians mean corrupt government (Dec 19th, 2013)
Knowledge is power (Dec 19th, 2013)
Beware the enemy within (Dec 19th, 2013)
Let’s hear it for vocational ed (Dec 16th, 2013)
Civil rights (Dec 3rd, 2013)
Character is fate (Nov 19th, 2013)
Jury nullification (Nov 9th, 2013)
Superficial distinctions of socialism (Oct 29th, 2013)
Suicide, not a train wreck (Oct 27th, 2013)
FDR vs. Obama (Oct 24th, 2013)
The best government (Oct 18th, 2013)
Being politically correct (Oct 16th, 2013)
Burdensome government (Oct 11th, 2013)
The Obamacare roll-out (Oct 8th, 2013)
Government limits (Oct 7th, 2013)
Republic vs. a democracy (Sep 28th, 2013)
Freedom vs. slavery (Sep 27th, 2013)
The costs of illegal immigrants (Sep 18th, 2013)
Second Amendment stand is revealing (Sep 18th, 2013)
Demagogues and demaslaves (Sep 18th, 2013)
Raising the debt limit represents failure (Sep 1st, 2013)
Global climate alarmism (Aug 31st, 2013)
Safety against foreign force (Aug 30th, 2013)
Moral defense of individual rights (Aug 30th, 2013)
Uniformity is not ideal (Aug 28th, 2013)
Western values (Aug 27th, 2013)
The betrayal of MLK’s hope (Aug 27th, 2013)
Numbers don’t change morality (Aug 27th, 2013)
Delegation of powers (Aug 27th, 2013)
No favored nations (Aug 26th, 2013)
Denigrating the rule of law (Aug 26th, 2013)
Individual rights (Aug 21st, 2013)
Government’s glass ceiling (Aug 20th, 2013)
Government education (Aug 19th, 2013)
Guns don’t cause crime (Aug 14th, 2013)
True sense of value (Aug 4th, 2013)
True cost of government (Aug 4th, 2013)
The real reason for small government (Aug 4th, 2013)
Government must pay its debts (Aug 2nd, 2013)
Making people ripe for destruction (Jun 21st, 2013)
Distribution of powers (Jun 21st, 2013)
Income tax (Jun 3rd, 2013)
The biggest threat to the American people (Jun 3rd, 2013)
The Constitution is the law of the land (Jun 2nd, 2013)
Spending other people’s money (May 30th, 2013)
Reason vs. ignorance (May 24th, 2013)
Using every trick to expand government (May 23rd, 2013)
The progressive illusion (May 23rd, 2013)
The profound tradition of firearm possession (May 10th, 2013)
Surrendering reason lowers your guard (May 8th, 2013)
Exclude foreign influence (May 1st, 2013)
Legal plunder has many names (May 1st, 2013)
Economic control = people control (Apr 30th, 2013)
Redistribution is robbery (Apr 29th, 2013)
Constitutional liberties are being jettisoned (Apr 28th, 2013)
The industrial/political complex (Apr 17th, 2013)
The power to tax is the power to destroy (Apr 17th, 2013)
The meaning of ‘general welfare’ (Apr 16th, 2013)
When plunder is organized by law (Apr 13th, 2013)
Redistribution is plunder (Apr 13th, 2013)
The cure for bad government (Apr 13th, 2013)
Excessive taxation (Apr 13th, 2013)
Liberal anti-gun arguments (Apr 11th, 2013)
The natural effort of individuals vs. the folly of human laws (Apr 10th, 2013)
Political correctness in a nutshell (Apr 10th, 2013)
Congress will not restrain from taxation (Apr 10th, 2013)
On being governed (Apr 8th, 2013)
Undermining immigration laws (Apr 5th, 2013)
Countries become cultivated by freedom (Mar 25th, 2013)
Law enforcement by the executive branch (Mar 24th, 2013)
Democracy and immigration (Mar 24th, 2013)
Weaning people from the state teat (Mar 12th, 2013)
Reliance on government for needs (Mar 12th, 2013)
Affirmative action (Mar 2nd, 2013)
Communist schools result in communist leaders (Feb 16th, 2013)
This is our problem right here (Feb 12th, 2013)
Normal Americans are barriers to social progress (Feb 12th, 2013)
Socialized medicine (Feb 12th, 2013)
Vindication of rights (Feb 5th, 2013)
Occasional crime cannot trump Constitutional rights (Feb 5th, 2013)
The right to arms shall never be questioned (Feb 5th, 2013)
Defending unpopular truth (Feb 4th, 2013)
Unarmed people cannot guarantee security (Feb 1st, 2013)
Disarm people to enslave them (Feb 1st, 2013)
Bureaucrats and guns (Feb 1st, 2013)
How society controls crime (Jan 31st, 2013)
Restricting arms (Jan 30th, 2013)
Give me liberty or give me death (Jan 26th, 2013)
Are we not to be trusted? (Jan 26th, 2013)
Republics are formed only after revolution (Jan 25th, 2013)
Guard the public liberty (Jan 25th, 2013)
Education creates inequality (Jan 25th, 2013)
The error of absolute state control of the economy (Jan 24th, 2013)
Good intentions (Jan 21st, 2013)
The collectivist paradox (Jan 21st, 2013)
The road to state medical care (Jan 21st, 2013)
Support the rule of law (Jan 19th, 2013)
At your feet or at your throat (Jan 17th, 2013)
Failings of the fourth estate (Jan 16th, 2013)
The necessity of oversight (Jan 14th, 2013)
Firearms restrain evil interference (Jan 7th, 2013)
Victimizing the victims (Jan 3rd, 2013)
Our present money disorder (Jan 2nd, 2013)
Always stand on principle (Jan 2nd, 2013)
Understanding indoctrination (Dec 31st, 2012)
Unarmed people are slaves (Dec 31st, 2012)
The moral obligation to be skeptical (Dec 31st, 2012)
Limited government, neutrality, and armed citizens (Dec 31st, 2012)
A right of the people (Dec 31st, 2012)
Gun-free zones (Dec 28th, 2012)
Crazy gun laws (Dec 24th, 2012)
Preserving liberty through arms (Dec 21st, 2012)
The palladium of our liberties (Dec 21st, 2012)
More guns equal more safety (Dec 21st, 2012)
‘Gun control’ has not worked (Dec 21st, 2012)
Police protection (Dec 20th, 2012)
Unarmed victims (Dec 20th, 2012)
Misdeeds of the British (Dec 20th, 2012)
Favoring the criminal (Dec 20th, 2012)
The law defends plunder (Dec 6th, 2012)
The fundamental theory of American law (Dec 3rd, 2012)
Voting (Nov 29th, 2012)
U.S. debt and budget deficit (Nov 29th, 2012)
The path of civilization (Nov 28th, 2012)
Socialism will end our Republic (Nov 27th, 2012)
An experiment in socialism (Nov 23rd, 2012)
The plight of the Athenians (Nov 20th, 2012)
Ministries of propaganda (Nov 19th, 2012)
Majority rule (Nov 19th, 2012)
Foreign wars (Nov 19th, 2012)
Firearms and the Constitution (Nov 19th, 2012)
How the few plunder the many (Nov 18th, 2012)
Easier to fool people (Nov 18th, 2012)
Despotism vs. liberty (Nov 18th, 2012)
Armed and ready (Nov 18th, 2012)
Degraded society (Nov 9th, 2012)
Don’t give up when you’re right (Nov 7th, 2012)
Measuring a man’s virtue (Nov 1st, 2012)
Black and White Standards (Oct 31st, 2012)
Honesty and deceit (Oct 29th, 2012)
The criminal state (Oct 24th, 2012)
Stumbling over the truth (Oct 22nd, 2012)
Power tests character (Oct 22nd, 2012)
Why can’t government cut back? (Oct 17th, 2012)
Bureaucracy cannot tolerate individuals (Oct 17th, 2012)
Free competition (Oct 15th, 2012)
Drug laws (Oct 15th, 2012)
The path to prosperity (Oct 13th, 2012)
The nature of a powerful bureaucratic class (Oct 11th, 2012)
The scourge of socialism (Oct 11th, 2012)
Capitalism is a natural phenomenon (Oct 11th, 2012)
The state is anti-capitalist (Oct 10th, 2012)
Self-appointed leaders (Oct 9th, 2012)
Democrats on dissent (Oct 7th, 2012)
Integrity is not extremism (Oct 5th, 2012)
Free enterprise is best (Oct 5th, 2012)
Elite contempt (Oct 5th, 2012)
Individual freedom, or the ant heap of totalitarianism (Oct 4th, 2012)
‘Right-wing’ socialism (Oct 3rd, 2012)
The harm inflicted by do-gooders (Oct 3rd, 2012)
We are not the government (Oct 1st, 2012)
State vs. society (Oct 1st, 2012)
Socialism vs. society (Oct 1st, 2012)
Unlimited power leads to despotism (Sep 25th, 2012)
Inflation and war (Sep 25th, 2012)
Marriage is the parent of society (Sep 22nd, 2012)
Limiting future debt (Sep 22nd, 2012)
Enthusiasm in liberty (Sep 22nd, 2012)
Diversity of enterprise for the wealth of a nation (Sep 22nd, 2012)
Repeal welfare laws (Sep 20th, 2012)
Campus freedom (Sep 18th, 2012)
We’ve been nice to the liberals for too long (Sep 17th, 2012)
Often wrong (Sep 4th, 2012)
Greatest threat to America today (Aug 20th, 2012)
Watch what gold is doing (Aug 16th, 2012)
Bank bail-outs (Aug 16th, 2012)
Gold and freedom (Aug 16th, 2012)
Government borrowing (Aug 15th, 2012)
Deepening the Great Depression (Aug 15th, 2012)
Three forms of capital (Aug 14th, 2012)
Private enterprise (Aug 14th, 2012)
Natural progress (Aug 14th, 2012)
The failure of rigid central planning (Aug 13th, 2012)
The danger of direct democracy (Aug 12th, 2012)
Secrecy in government (Aug 12th, 2012)
Despotism through consolidation of power (Aug 12th, 2012)
Wage slaves (Aug 10th, 2012)
Welfare state vs. property rights (Aug 9th, 2012)
Inflation betrays creditors (Aug 9th, 2012)
The damage is already done (Aug 9th, 2012)
Government is the opposite of liberty (Aug 8th, 2012)
Central banks have the power to destroy (Aug 7th, 2012)
The need for self-defense (Jul 31st, 2012)
Disarmed citizens are servants (Jul 31st, 2012)
Gun owners are patriots (Jul 30th, 2012)
‘Gun control’ and murder (Jul 30th, 2012)
Communism and socialism (Jun 28th, 2012)
A right of the individual (Jun 20th, 2012)
Compassion (Jun 18th, 2012)
False dichotomy (Jun 14th, 2012)
How to conquer and enslave (Jun 14th, 2012)
Voting for tyranny (May 23rd, 2012)
Private morals and public office (May 23rd, 2012)
Thieves petty and great (May 22nd, 2012)
The tyranny of the law (May 21st, 2012)
Parliament of whores (May 21st, 2012)
Even if everybody knows … (May 10th, 2012)
The moral police (May 1st, 2012)
Redressing federal government excess (Apr 27th, 2012)
New taxes atop old (Apr 25th, 2012)
Death tax (Apr 25th, 2012)
Throwing off an abusive government (Apr 24th, 2012)
The evil of legalizing theft (Apr 24th, 2012)
Who really pays corporate taxes (Apr 23rd, 2012)
Equality of opportunity vs. equality of outcome (Apr 23rd, 2012)
Democracy cannot long survive (Apr 23rd, 2012)
The NSA (Apr 22nd, 2012)
Choose your battles (Apr 22nd, 2012)
Freedom is easy to lose (Apr 16th, 2012)
Government impediments (Apr 11th, 2012)
You ain’t seen nothing yet (Apr 9th, 2012)
No elective despotism (Apr 9th, 2012)
The Tenth Amendment (Apr 2nd, 2012)
The Second Amendment (Apr 2nd, 2012)
Instruments of government (Apr 2nd, 2012)
The legacy of the U.N. (Mar 23rd, 2012)
More laws equal more poverty and crime (Mar 15th, 2012)
Economics (Mar 15th, 2012)
Political correctness vs. free inquiry (Mar 14th, 2012)
Good cop, bad cop (Mar 2nd, 2012)
Rebranding (Mar 1st, 2012)
Our leaders (Feb 27th, 2012)
Freedom giving way to control (Feb 27th, 2012)
How to make the Constitution work again (Feb 22nd, 2012)
Honor thy Founding Father (Feb 17th, 2012)
Doing the right thing (Feb 16th, 2012)
Delayed misery (Feb 11th, 2012)
Government doesn’t solve problems (Feb 10th, 2012)
Unlimited government (Feb 10th, 2012)
Admiring liars (Feb 10th, 2012)
Right vs. popular (Feb 8th, 2012)
Rent control (Jan 23rd, 2012)
Only the rich have property rights (Jan 18th, 2012)
The Federal clique (Jan 16th, 2012)
Stay free (Jan 13th, 2012)
Preventing force and fraud (Jan 13th, 2012)
Coercion vs. voluntarism (Jan 13th, 2012)
The Constitution is supreme (Jan 12th, 2012)
Act in haste, repent in leisure (Jan 12th, 2012)
Observe the Constitution, period (Jan 11th, 2012)
Preserve the Bill of Rights (Jan 10th, 2012)
When the law becomes corrupted (Jan 9th, 2012)
What government does (Jan 9th, 2012)
Charlatans need followers (Jan 6th, 2012)
Liberty and virtue (Jan 2nd, 2012)
Tyranny of the masses (Dec 22nd, 2011)
The Gospel of Marx (Dec 22nd, 2011)
Liberty vs. intrusion (Dec 22nd, 2011)
Government is a cancer (Dec 22nd, 2011)
Progressives and progress (Dec 15th, 2011)
Government medicine (Dec 14th, 2011)
No property taxation (Dec 14th, 2011)
Givers vs. takers (Dec 12th, 2011)
The failure of central planners (Dec 12th, 2011)
No idols (Dec 11th, 2011)
Privacy rights (Dec 8th, 2011)
The general welfare clause (Dec 8th, 2011)
Fed Corp. (Dec 8th, 2011)
Enumerated powers (Dec 8th, 2011)
Govern yourself (Dec 6th, 2011)
Institutionalized tyranny (Dec 5th, 2011)
The mission of the law (Nov 22nd, 2011)
Question the ‘shepherds’ (Nov 22nd, 2011)
Federal jurisdiction is limited (Nov 13th, 2011)
Last official act (Nov 11th, 2011)
Importance of decentralization (Nov 11th, 2011)
Money from thin air (Nov 7th, 2011)
Government surveillance (Oct 19th, 2011)
Carrying a gun (Oct 16th, 2011)
Half truth (Oct 14th, 2011)
Counterfeit truth (Oct 13th, 2011)
Moral indignation (Oct 12th, 2011)
Endangered species (Oct 10th, 2011)
Eliminating cronyism (Oct 5th, 2011)
Subsidizing problems (Oct 4th, 2011)
No need to encourage immigration (Oct 1st, 2011)
Monetary prudence (Oct 1st, 2011)
Escaping ‘utopia’ (Sep 29th, 2011)
Inherent right of the people (Sep 28th, 2011)
Absolute rights (Sep 28th, 2011)
Terrorism vs. war (Sep 27th, 2011)
Insinuated tyranny (Sep 27th, 2011)
Defining patriotism (Sep 21st, 2011)
Collectivist emergencies (Sep 16th, 2011)
The alibi of tyrants (Sep 15th, 2011)
Teaching skepticism (Sep 2nd, 2011)
Legislative growth (Aug 11th, 2011)
Equal rights (Aug 11th, 2011)
Empire abroad means repression at home (Aug 10th, 2011)
Subsidizing poverty (Aug 9th, 2011)
Clinging to victimhood (Aug 9th, 2011)
Capitalism vs. communism (Aug 9th, 2011)
Theft by proxy (Aug 5th, 2011)
Oath of office (Jul 27th, 2011)
Governance (Jul 27th, 2011)
Embrace the fruit, reject the tree (Jul 26th, 2011)
Prolonged warfare (Jul 25th, 2011)
Make Federal borrowing illegal (Jul 21st, 2011)
Diversity vs. diversity (Jul 21st, 2011)
Big government (Jul 21st, 2011)
Democracy is temporary (Jul 19th, 2011)
Unintended consequences (Jul 18th, 2011)
When liberty is abused to licentiousness (Jul 16th, 2011)
After Niemoller (Jul 15th, 2011)
The war on drugs (Jul 13th, 2011)
Militarizing government officials (Jul 13th, 2011)
The last refuge (Jul 13th, 2011)
The effects of Prohibition (Jul 13th, 2011)
Vice as crime (Jul 11th, 2011)
The smallest minority (Jul 9th, 2011)
Faux sophistication (Jul 9th, 2011)
Politics vs. reality (Jul 5th, 2011)
Government control equals poverty (Jul 5th, 2011)
Declarations of independence (Jul 3rd, 2011)
Tax duration (Jun 22nd, 2011)
Paying for defense (Jun 22nd, 2011)
Why plan ahead? (Jun 21st, 2011)
Statism (Jun 21st, 2011)
Without liberty and law (Jun 20th, 2011)
Armed citizens prevent military tyranny (Jun 20th, 2011)
Thomas Jefferson (Jun 20th, 2011)
Price of apathy (Jun 20th, 2011)
Equal justice under the law (Jun 20th, 2011)
The Constitution is the standard (Jun 20th, 2011)
Tax beneficiaries (Jun 20th, 2011)
The real threat we face (Jun 20th, 2011)
Asylum immigration (Jun 20th, 2011)
Proselytizing (Jun 20th, 2011)
Preserving liberty (Jun 20th, 2011)
Perfection vs. government promises (Jun 20th, 2011)
Obligation to tolerate speech (Jun 20th, 2011)
No prior restraint (Jun 20th, 2011)
Liberalism is western suicide (Jun 20th, 2011)
The importance of free speech (Jun 20th, 2011)
Guilt is personal (Jun 20th, 2011)
Guidance of religion (Jun 20th, 2011)
Free thought, free speech (Jun 20th, 2011)
Fluctuating policies (Jun 20th, 2011)
Ending government evil (Jun 20th, 2011)
Demagogue defined (Jun 20th, 2011)
Cunning men (Jun 20th, 2011)
Causes of war (Jun 20th, 2011)
Borrowing (Jun 20th, 2011)
The philosophy of socialism (Jun 19th, 2011)
Police protection (Jun 8th, 2011)
Love of money (Jun 8th, 2011)
Intellectual stupidity (Jun 8th, 2011)
Cause of inflation (Jun 8th, 2011)
Corrupting the system (Jun 7th, 2011)
Facts are stubborn things (Jun 4th, 2011)
Destructive government (Jun 3rd, 2011)
Destroying our liberties (Jun 3rd, 2011)
Nation without borders (May 27th, 2011)
Government’s fatal attraction (May 11th, 2011)
Honesty isn’t always pretty (May 8th, 2011)
Public debt (May 6th, 2011)
The simple life (May 2nd, 2011)
Deficit spending (Apr 21st, 2011)
The ratchet effect of government intrusion (Apr 18th, 2011)
Bureaucracies and identity politics (Apr 15th, 2011)
Preserving our republican form of government (Apr 11th, 2011)
Democracy is destroying diversity (Apr 8th, 2011)
Choice of the governed (Apr 1st, 2011)
Who pays taxes? (Mar 31st, 2011)
Paper money (Mar 28th, 2011)
The men we need in our government (Mar 22nd, 2011)
Socialism is a failure (Mar 22nd, 2011)
Regulations and special interests (Mar 22nd, 2011)
Family and country (Mar 22nd, 2011)
Government control of the economy (Mar 2nd, 2011)
Spendthrift rulers (Mar 1st, 2011)
Public employee unions (Mar 1st, 2011)
Public employee union tactics (Mar 1st, 2011)
Public employee collective bargaining (Mar 1st, 2011)
Instant democracy doesn’t work (Mar 1st, 2011)
General welfare (Feb 25th, 2011)
Peaceable revolution (Feb 24th, 2011)
Your rights (Feb 23rd, 2011)
Republic or democracy? (Feb 23rd, 2011)
Real liberty (Feb 23rd, 2011)
Who supports whom (Feb 21st, 2011)
Society and government (Feb 21st, 2011)
Distinctions in society (Feb 21st, 2011)
Defending our liberties (Feb 21st, 2011)
Collective rights (Feb 21st, 2011)
Government effectiveness (Feb 16th, 2011)
Secrecy in free society (Feb 6th, 2011)
Progress (Feb 6th, 2011)
Making government work (Feb 4th, 2011)
If we lose freedom (Feb 4th, 2011)
The sea of liberty (Jan 20th, 2011)
Nothing safe from an excess of power (Jan 19th, 2011)
Government power is limited (Jan 7th, 2011)
Who is destroying the world? (Dec 27th, 2010)
View from the top (Dec 15th, 2010)
Liberals and freedoms (Dec 1st, 2010)
Economic control (Dec 1st, 2010)
Depression and unemployment (Dec 1st, 2010)
What freedom isn’t (Nov 30th, 2010)
Bureaucracies vs. citizens (Nov 29th, 2010)
Being intelligent is not a crime (Nov 29th, 2010)
These are the times that try men’s souls (Nov 25th, 2010)
Source of America’s abundance (Nov 25th, 2010)
Government supports failures (Nov 25th, 2010)
Costs of diversity (Nov 25th, 2010)
Most urgent fiscal consideration (Nov 13th, 2010)
Rule by brute force (Nov 11th, 2010)
Drug laws and the loss of freedom (Oct 28th, 2010)
Living document or dead letter? (Oct 24th, 2010)
Constant kind of warfare (Oct 22nd, 2010)
Consequences for Congress (Oct 21st, 2010)
Greed vs. virtue (Oct 19th, 2010)
The tragedy of the poor (Oct 18th, 2010)
Politicians and other people’s money (Oct 18th, 2010)
Managing capital (Oct 18th, 2010)
Achieving opulence from barbarism (Oct 18th, 2010)
War on poverty (Oct 12th, 2010)
The purpose of a college education (Oct 12th, 2010)
Liberal mating and migratory habits (Oct 12th, 2010)
The tyranny of the ‘good’ (Oct 9th, 2010)
Screening voters (Oct 7th, 2010)
Importance of our Constitution (Oct 7th, 2010)
History shows the dole is destructive (Oct 7th, 2010)
We need men of virtue and wisdom (Oct 6th, 2010)
Guard against corruption and tyranny at all times (Oct 6th, 2010)
Running the country (Oct 4th, 2010)
Patriots and Christians (Oct 1st, 2010)
Proportionality in government power (Sep 30th, 2010)
With freedom comes responsibility (Sep 27th, 2010)
No worse tyranny (Sep 27th, 2010)
Defining ‘plebiscite’ (Sep 20th, 2010)
Government mismanagement of monies (Sep 20th, 2010)
Defining ‘alliance’ (Sep 20th, 2010)
Americans must put America first (Sep 11th, 2010)
Anything called a ‘program’ is unconstitutional (Sep 10th, 2010)
Doing good for the poor (Aug 19th, 2010)
Lethargic government wanted (Aug 13th, 2010)
Corruption is like a cancer (Jul 20th, 2010)
Speak out against tyranny (Jul 19th, 2010)
Protecting the country from its government (Jul 11th, 2010)
Un-Constitutional spending (Jul 8th, 2010)
Commerce Clause (Jul 8th, 2010)
The true danger to liberty (Jul 7th, 2010)
Retaining the blessings of liberty (Jul 6th, 2010)
The judiciary (Jul 5th, 2010)
Hope versus reality (Jul 5th, 2010)
Obedience and rebellion (Jul 4th, 2010)
The best security for liberty (Jun 14th, 2010)
The foundation of self-government (Jun 12th, 2010)
Wonderful diversity? (Jun 8th, 2010)
The myth of diversity (Jun 8th, 2010)
Going from despotism to liberty (May 25th, 2010)
Educating children (May 25th, 2010)
Hyphenated Americanism (May 24th, 2010)
Hyphenated Americans (May 24th, 2010)
Liberty and justice (May 13th, 2010)
Elections cynically viewed (May 12th, 2010)
The people must be moral (May 10th, 2010)
Government is not a parent (May 10th, 2010)
Government control (May 10th, 2010)
Interpreting our Constitution (Apr 26th, 2010)
The end of the Republic (Apr 25th, 2010)
Hope (Apr 23rd, 2010)
The larceny of taxation (Apr 19th, 2010)
Rules for politicians (Apr 19th, 2010)
Politicians need self-restraint (Apr 19th, 2010)
Examining the Cold War (Apr 19th, 2010)
End taxation to ensure our liberty (Apr 19th, 2010)
The ultimate authority lies in an armed populace (Mar 4th, 2010)
The sacred obligation of the Constitution (Mar 4th, 2010)
Liberty and faction (Mar 4th, 2010)
How best to make citizens happy (Mar 3rd, 2010)
The real danger to America (Mar 2nd, 2010)
Protection against monarchs, etc. (Feb 24th, 2010)
Undelegated powers (Feb 23rd, 2010)
The best form of government (Feb 22nd, 2010)
Liberal treachery (Feb 22nd, 2010)
Dangerous servant and fearful master (Feb 22nd, 2010)
The Five Wisdoms of politics (Feb 6th, 2010)
Where to place your confidence (Feb 5th, 2010)
Virtue (Feb 5th, 2010)
Liars and thieves (Feb 5th, 2010)
Healthy humility (Feb 4th, 2010)
Frank discussion needed (Feb 2nd, 2010)
True character (Feb 1st, 2010)
Democracies are not permanent (Jan 26th, 2010)
Power is not alluring (Jan 25th, 2010)
Hell hath no fury (Jan 25th, 2010)
Constitutional limits (Jan 25th, 2010)
Campaign finance (Jan 25th, 2010)
The need to be well-informed (Jan 22nd, 2010)
Taking action for liberty (Jan 22nd, 2010)
Freedom does not come from government (Jan 20th, 2010)
Efficiency of the private sector (Jan 20th, 2010)
As government expands, liberty contracts (Jan 20th, 2010)
laws (Jan 19th, 2010)
Take control of government (Jan 18th, 2010)
The right to bear arms (Jan 17th, 2010)
Swords and plowshares (Jan 17th, 2010)
Liberty vs. security (Jan 17th, 2010)
Citizen vs. subject (Jan 17th, 2010)
The tyrant’s plea (Jan 15th, 2010)
The opportunity for choice (Jan 14th, 2010)
Civilizations fall (Jan 13th, 2010)
No man is to be trusted with power (Jan 12th, 2010)
Fearing responsibility (Jan 11th, 2010)
Public affairs (Jan 10th, 2010)
Muslim multiculturalism (Jan 10th, 2010)
Be your own light (Jan 9th, 2010)
Hard work (Jan 8th, 2010)
Creating money out of thin air (Jan 7th, 2010)
Truth, right, and good (Jan 6th, 2010)
Defining ‘militia’ (Jan 5th, 2010)
Eccentric opinions (Jan 4th, 2010)
Jesus of Nazareth (Jan 3rd, 2010)
Corrupting laws (Jan 2nd, 2010)
Happiness (Jan 1st, 2010)
Wisdom and certainty (Dec 29th, 2009)
Wisdom and age (Dec 29th, 2009)
Observing state corruption (Dec 20th, 2009)
The myth of limitless government (Dec 18th, 2009)
Preparedness (Dec 18th, 2009)
Trustworthiness of government (Dec 17th, 2009)
Benefits of rebellion (Dec 14th, 2009)
When to dissolve your government (Dec 8th, 2009)
Youth vs. experience (Dec 4th, 2009)
Tyranny or liberty (Nov 25th, 2009)
Expansion of the state (Nov 25th, 2009)
Best exercise (Nov 25th, 2009)
Problems with a pure democracy (Nov 24th, 2009)
When to act (Nov 23rd, 2009)
What socialism means (Nov 23rd, 2009)
The forgotten man (Nov 23rd, 2009)
Responsibility (Nov 23rd, 2009)
Perfection (Nov 23rd, 2009)
Truth and fiction (Nov 20th, 2009)
Consequences of PC (Nov 20th, 2009)
Censorship (Nov 20th, 2009)
We must overcome ‘diversity’ (Nov 19th, 2009)
Real wealth and virtual wealth (Nov 18th, 2009)
Patriotism (Nov 18th, 2009)
The general welfare (Nov 16th, 2009)
Speak out against tyranny (Nov 16th, 2009)
Perception gap (Nov 16th, 2009)
Dishonorable persons (Nov 16th, 2009)
Property rights (Nov 13th, 2009)
Liberty trumps union (Nov 11th, 2009)
Beyond democracy (Nov 11th, 2009)
The forced march to mediocrity (Nov 10th, 2009)
Secession (Nov 10th, 2009)
Separation of powers (Nov 9th, 2009)
Real equality (Nov 9th, 2009)
Cultural relativism (Nov 9th, 2009)
People must be incorruptible (Nov 5th, 2009)
The tyranny of the majority (Nov 4th, 2009)
People’s choice (Nov 3rd, 2009)
Defining ‘vote’ (Nov 2nd, 2009)
Counter-history (Nov 2nd, 2009)
How to know your society is doomed (Oct 30th, 2009)
African dictators (Oct 27th, 2009)
Interpreting laws corrupts them (Oct 26th, 2009)
Taxation and tyranny (Oct 25th, 2009)
Resistance to tyrants (Oct 25th, 2009)
We used to be free (Oct 9th, 2009)
The monied aristocracy (Oct 9th, 2009)
Qualifications for the Presidency (Oct 9th, 2009)
Object of loyalty (Oct 9th, 2009)
Forced equality is madness (Oct 9th, 2009)
Destruction through inflation (Oct 9th, 2009)
Paper is not money (Oct 4th, 2009)
The coming financial meltdown (Sep 23rd, 2009)
Trading away future liberty (Sep 21st, 2009)
An association of states (Sep 21st, 2009)
We must understand our monetary system (Sep 20th, 2009)
The real danger of oppression (Sep 20th, 2009)
The power of accurate observation (Sep 20th, 2009)
Republican form of government (Aug 31st, 2009)
General Welfare (Aug 28th, 2009)
The most dreaded enemy of liberty (Aug 26th, 2009)
When government declares war on its people (Aug 17th, 2009)
War of the poor against the rich (Aug 17th, 2009)
Trending toward monarchy (Aug 17th, 2009)
The voluntary Union (Aug 17th, 2009)
The right to be offensive (Aug 17th, 2009)
The people must remain attentive (Aug 17th, 2009)
The most dangerous man (Aug 17th, 2009)
The destructiveness of democracy (Aug 17th, 2009)
Protest is American (Aug 17th, 2009)
Power to the people (Aug 17th, 2009)
Political debate is patriotic (Aug 17th, 2009)
Persecution for opinion (Aug 17th, 2009)
On the value of being irritating (Aug 17th, 2009)
Liberties guaranteed to citizens (Aug 17th, 2009)
Government must be for the common benefit (Aug 17th, 2009)
Freedom of speech is the first to go (Aug 17th, 2009)
Freedom lost to ‘law and order’ (Aug 17th, 2009)
Doublethink (Aug 17th, 2009)
Diversity of opinion (Aug 17th, 2009)
Crime is contagious (Aug 17th, 2009)
Contact your representatives (Aug 17th, 2009)
The four boxes of liberty (Jul 29th, 2009)
Government must be small (Jul 27th, 2009)
You know when you’ve been in office too long (Jul 10th, 2009)
Fourth of July (Jul 4th, 2009)
Worse than government (Jun 29th, 2009)
Why we need the Constitution (Jun 26th, 2009)
Liberty and property (Jun 26th, 2009)
Government must protect property (Jun 26th, 2009)
Charity is not a duty of government (Jun 24th, 2009)
The FDA as tyranny (Jun 22nd, 2009)
Our currency determines our fate (Jun 18th, 2009)
Location, location, location (Jun 18th, 2009)
Destructive power of inflation (Jun 18th, 2009)
Lay down with dogs, get up with fleas (Jun 16th, 2009)
Dealing with invaders (Jun 16th, 2009)
Freedom of opinion (Jun 15th, 2009)
Terrifying words (Jun 14th, 2009)
Secrecy (Jun 14th, 2009)
Power vs. liberty (Jun 14th, 2009)
Power corrupts (Jun 14th, 2009)
The unaware (Jun 11th, 2009)
It’s dangerous to be correct (Jun 11th, 2009)
Ignorance begets ignorance (Jun 11th, 2009)
Why most Americans love government (Jun 10th, 2009)
What I want from government (Jun 10th, 2009)
Treason and the nation (Jun 10th, 2009)
Important government function (Jun 10th, 2009)
Educated into stupidity (Jun 10th, 2009)
How strange it must be to be a liberal (Jun 9th, 2009)
You must have rights to have citizens (Jun 2nd, 2009)
Life under socialism (Jun 2nd, 2009)
Some track record (May 29th, 2009)
The power to covet (May 28th, 2009)
The drift toward socialism (May 28th, 2009)
Government power vs. individual liberty (May 28th, 2009)
Mob rule (May 26th, 2009)
The right of each to carry arms (May 26th, 2009)
Protected by the Constitution (May 26th, 2009)
Peace or freedom (May 26th, 2009)
Argument against democracy (May 26th, 2009)
Reality in education (May 25th, 2009)
Government policy (May 23rd, 2009)
The origin of the species (May 20th, 2009)
Some drug policy (May 20th, 2009)
U.S. ruined by the Federal Reserve Bank (May 20th, 2009)
Bring out the chain saw (May 16th, 2009)
Life and liberty (May 14th, 2009)
There ought to be a law (May 11th, 2009)
The mystery of government (May 11th, 2009)
Social security (May 11th, 2009)
Sacrificing your principles (May 11th, 2009)
Parliament of whores (May 11th, 2009)
Optimism about government (May 11th, 2009)
Governments and bureaucracies (May 11th, 2009)
Getting rid of poverty (May 11th, 2009)
Democrats and Republicans (May 11th, 2009)
Controlling corruption (May 11th, 2009)
War profits (May 7th, 2009)
Government’s obligation (May 7th, 2009)
The Great Depression (May 7th, 2009)
The cost of idealism (May 7th, 2009)
Taxation through inflation (May 7th, 2009)
Supporting our troops (May 7th, 2009)
Someone has to pay (May 7th, 2009)
Re-defining ‘marriage’ (May 7th, 2009)
Preserving the American way of life (May 7th, 2009)
Moral responsibility (May 7th, 2009)
Mitigating greed (May 7th, 2009)
Middle East conflict (May 7th, 2009)
Liberty vs. democracy (May 7th, 2009)
Legalize drugs (May 7th, 2009)
Jealousy (May 7th, 2009)
Initiation of force (May 7th, 2009)
Government ‘solutions’ (May 7th, 2009)
Fiat money (May 7th, 2009)
Fair income taxes (May 7th, 2009)
Entitlements (May 7th, 2009)
Drug crime (May 7th, 2009)
Deficits mean future taxes (May 7th, 2009)
Cut taxes (May 7th, 2009)
Consumer protection (May 7th, 2009)
Concentrated power (May 7th, 2009)
Collectivization (May 7th, 2009)
Being a good example (May 7th, 2009)
Arms and politeness (May 7th, 2009)
Appeals to authority (May 7th, 2009)
Accidental insults (May 7th, 2009)
Tireless minority (May 6th, 2009)
Taxes diminish freedom (May 6th, 2009)
The rights of the people (May 6th, 2009)
Republican government (May 6th, 2009)
Importance of morality (May 6th, 2009)
Honesty in government (May 6th, 2009)
Economists (May 6th, 2009)
Civilization (May 6th, 2009)
War and money (May 5th, 2009)
State expense (May 5th, 2009)
Stand for something (May 5th, 2009)
Reduce the size of government (May 5th, 2009)
Principles in politics (May 5th, 2009)
Practical politics (May 5th, 2009)
Power over men (May 5th, 2009)
Not invented here (May 5th, 2009)
Neutrality requires strength (May 5th, 2009)
Natural rights (May 5th, 2009)
Life, liberty, and property (May 5th, 2009)
I want liberty (May 5th, 2009)
Arms control (May 5th, 2009)
Government is a threat (May 5th, 2009)
The equality of our Founding Fathers (May 5th, 2009)
Equal in slavery (May 5th, 2009)
Democracy and taxes (May 5th, 2009)
Compound interest (May 5th, 2009)
Brevity and eloquence (May 5th, 2009)
Border problem (May 5th, 2009)
Big government (May 5th, 2009)
Be firm (May 5th, 2009)
Ability and honor (May 5th, 2009)
Too much liberty vs. too little (May 4th, 2009)
Government obligations to constituents (May 4th, 2009)
Overbearing majority (Apr 18th, 2009)
Democracy never lasts long (Apr 18th, 2009)
Freedom (Apr 17th, 2009)
Extremism and moderation (Apr 17th, 2009)
Trading liberty for safety (Apr 7th, 2009)
The logic of the Constitution in two sentences (Apr 7th, 2009)
Our government is above the law (Apr 7th, 2009)
The most sacred duty of government (Apr 6th, 2009)
Too bad it’s not our money (Apr 5th, 2009)
Why leaders go to war (Apr 4th, 2009)
Wealth transfer means the death of freedom (Apr 4th, 2009)
Watch out! (Apr 4th, 2009)
Virtue is not hereditary (Apr 4th, 2009)
Useless men (Apr 4th, 2009)
Unlimited government (Apr 4th, 2009)
Tyranny and oppression (Apr 4th, 2009)
Truth (Apr 4th, 2009)
Too much government is bad (Apr 4th, 2009)
The tree of liberty (Apr 4th, 2009)
The sin of subsidies (Apr 4th, 2009)
The role of government (Apr 4th, 2009)
The problem with socialism (Apr 4th, 2009)
The power of the free man (Apr 4th, 2009)
The fiction of government (Apr 4th, 2009)
The difference between Democrats and Republicans (Apr 4th, 2009)
Taxation vs. taxidermy (Apr 4th, 2009)
Taxation for prosperity (Apr 4th, 2009)
Talk is cheap (Apr 4th, 2009)
Surrendering our freedoms (Apr 4th, 2009)
Strong government (Apr 4th, 2009)
Sound reasoning (Apr 4th, 2009)
Something for nothing (Apr 4th, 2009)
Silent encroachments (Apr 4th, 2009)
Set business free (Apr 4th, 2009)
Science vs. opinion (Apr 4th, 2009)
Robbing through taxes (Apr 4th, 2009)
Residues of centralized bureaucracy (Apr 4th, 2009)
Redistributing wealth (Apr 4th, 2009)
Quiet lies (Apr 4th, 2009)
Private sector vs. public sector (Apr 4th, 2009)
Pretended patriotism (Apr 4th, 2009)
Politicians (Apr 4th, 2009)
Perpetual debt (Apr 4th, 2009)
Pay as you go (Apr 4th, 2009)
Orators (Apr 4th, 2009)
Oppression by unequal taxes (Apr 4th, 2009)
Not jokes, but facts (Apr 4th, 2009)
Newspapers (Apr 4th, 2009)
More dangerous than standing armies (Apr 4th, 2009)
Majority vs. minority (Apr 4th, 2009)
Loss of liberty (Apr 4th, 2009)
Liberty lost (Apr 4th, 2009)
Liberal spending (Apr 4th, 2009)
Let’s eat (Apr 4th, 2009)
Knowledge (Apr 4th, 2009)
Knowledge and virtue (Apr 4th, 2009)
Keep rebellion alive (Apr 4th, 2009)
Jeopardy (Apr 4th, 2009)
Informed public (Apr 4th, 2009)
Idiotic members of Congress (Apr 4th, 2009)
Idealism (Apr 4th, 2009)
How to run Rome (Apr 4th, 2009)
Happiness lies in avoiding socialism (Apr 4th, 2009)
Government’s view of the economy (Apr 4th, 2009)
Governmental solutions (Apr 4th, 2009)
Government wealth transfer (Apr 4th, 2009)
Government-sponsored health care (Apr 4th, 2009)
Government responsibility (Apr 4th, 2009)
Government is the problem (Apr 4th, 2009)
Government gaining ground (Apr 4th, 2009)
Government backs only losers (Apr 4th, 2009)
Government analogy (Apr 4th, 2009)
Foundation of fear (Apr 4th, 2009)
Foreign aid (Apr 4th, 2009)
Foolish endeavor (Apr 4th, 2009)
Fiscal prudence (Apr 4th, 2009)
Europeans and Muslims (Apr 4th, 2009)
Distrust of powerful men (Apr 4th, 2009)
‘Discretionary’ spending (Apr 4th, 2009)
Destroying capitalism (Apr 4th, 2009)
Dependence (Apr 4th, 2009)
Democrats vs. Republicans (Apr 4th, 2009)
Democracy (Apr 4th, 2009)
Deficit spending (Apr 4th, 2009)
Defending against domestic tyrannies (Apr 4th, 2009)
Congress critters (Apr 4th, 2009)
Circumspection and distrust (Apr 4th, 2009)
Choose your rulers wisely (Apr 4th, 2009)
Capitalism vs. socialism (Apr 4th, 2009)
Big cities and corruption (Apr 4th, 2009)
Beware greedy government (Apr 4th, 2009)
Belief in the free market (Apr 4th, 2009)
Banking control over government (Apr 4th, 2009)
Arms for free men (Apr 4th, 2009)
Arms are a protection against government tyranny (Apr 4th, 2009)
Analyzing data (Apr 4th, 2009)
Accumulation of powers (Apr 4th, 2009)
Abuse of power (Apr 4th, 2009)
Abuse of government power (Apr 4th, 2009)
Government ought to be open to improvement (Sep 4th, 2008)
People in power tend to tilt things in their direction (Sep 3rd, 2008)
A republic promises the cure (Sep 2nd, 2008)
Liberties are the gift of God (Sep 1st, 2008)
Perspectives on immigration: Cut legal admissions by two-thirds (Aug 10th, 1994)
No sane country would permit birthright citizenship (Sep 20th, 1993)
Nuclear war cannot be won (Jan 25th, 1984)
‘Rivers of Blood’ (Apr 20th, 1968)
Farewell Address (Jan 17th, 1961)
What are the facts? (Jul 3rd, 1959)
Human Rights are Property Rights (Apr 1st, 1959)
Descended from rebels (May 31st, 1954)
No barriers to inquiry (Oct 24th, 1949)
Unalienable right to bear arms (Nov 1st, 1875)
Repugnant to the Constitution (Dec 31st, 1803)
Shall not be infringed (Dec 15th, 1791)